Anyone else up?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Henry woke at 4am after a 5 hour stretch, had a nappy change and feed and I put him in his basket to self soothe. He NEARLY falls asleep then makes his hungry face and cries. So, here I am waiting for him to finish feeding again and start the whole self soothe process again!

Little monkey!
Hey! How u doin? Hope Tilly is behaving herself tonight? :hug:

Henry has just gone back down so waiting for him to settle then I can go back to bed :yay: lol!
How is the self soothing going?

I have nee chance with that lol.

My LO has been grizzling since I put her down at 2am after the feed. Hubby reckons she's not getting enough milk?

It's very tough when you just don't know isn't it? She falls asleep on boob and then wakes 10mins later for more!!
Tilly's not bad, she latches on no fuss now so that's good.

Those few mins after you put them down you almost don't want to breathe do you? Lol
I'm up too. Albert wouldn't settle last night either, we are now camped out in the lounge, he's fast asleep and I'm wide awake :roll:
Im awake a fed ALL day yesterday so only had 4oz before bed rather than 8 so she woke up hungry anow wont settle at all shes not hungry coz shes just messing with the boob she hasnt got wind just being an akward baby tonight xx
Self soothing is goon really well. Only started it yesterday. He is fast asleep now :D like to wait a few extra mons before taking him back into the bedroom so I know he really is asleep! It's a lt easier now I take him in his basket to his room instead of just taking him and trying to re-settle him in our room as he always woke up.

I thought Henry had had enough to eat but woke after nearly settling for more. He does this adorable face when he is hungry, kinda licks his lips and says "ooooo". I like to think he is tying to say "boob" lol!
Morning. We're just up. Thoroughly amazed by that fact. Xxx
Albert's learnt how to lie about feeding and sticks his tongue over the teat or makes squelching noises with his lips. I only realised when feeds were starting to take over an hour :roll: he's getting very cuddly which could be a bit of a pain for settling at night. I don't fit in the moses basket lol
Has G just woken for her first feed? Lucky u!! Lol!

I'm back off to bed now, Henry is conked out so now it's my turn. I'll catch up with this thread next time he Wales! Lol!

Night ladies, hope u and ur lo's get back to sleep soon xxxx
Aww thats cute im sure he is trying to say boob lol alex throws her head around like a mad woman lol. Ive given up im now downstairs trying to bounce her to sleep in her chair on the plus side she has stoped crying on the downside im sat in a dark room trying not to fall asleep and my leg hurts from bouncing the chair with my foot lol. Oh and now im up im hungry x
Has G just woken for her first feed? Lucky u!! Lol!

I woke before she did - got a right blooming shock when I saw the time.

I'm always hungry at night feeds. Thank goodness I'm bf or I'd be huge!! I'm getting a bit better now, but before I was eating choc biscuits like they were going out of fashion! Xxx
It's typical huh, they go to sleep and we have to stay awake. I've bought the moses basket into the lounge, the last few mornings Albert has greeted the day from his bouncer and he's not settling in the basket. I'm also not at risk of falling asleep with him in my arms cos I can swaddle him in there.

Oh well, I'll nap this afternoon I suppose
Im awake but only cos dh just woke me when he got up for work. Waiting for Theo to wake for a feed hes been asleep since 8:30 and is now sucking his thumb so imagine he won't be long before he wants milk! Lol
I'm up! Only second feed of the night though!! :shock: fed theo at 9pm then he slept till 1am and went back down till now!! Feels so nice to have had a "good" nights sleep! Pretty sure it won't last! Xx
My joy at the unsettled night was short lived. Came back into the bedroom to find madam lying in her crib bright eyed and bushy tailed with a big cheesy grin on her face!!

No dear - just because you had a nice long sleep, does not mean its time to get up.


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