anyone else suffering from bloating?


Active Member
Mar 29, 2007
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I'm coming up to 12 weeks and I've lost weight with having so much morning sickness - feel nauseous all day long and am sick a good few times.

anyway, my problem at the minute is that I look like I've skipped 6 months! :) My stomach is huge and bloated all the way over. It gets worse throughout the day and by evening time can be really uncomfortable. I can't do up any of my trousers and it really shows as I have a small frame (not good when trying to hide pregnancy from everyone for the time being).

I still get the AF type pains and twinges but also the abdominal discomfort is more like pressure and heaviness. Sometimes can be really sore.

Is this normal for pregnancy? Does it get any better with time and does anyone have any suggestions for getting rid of it?

One thing is that I do suffer from IBS - hasn't been so bad at the minute but I wonder if my insides just react badly to the hormones?

Thanks for your help - Jxx
Hi honey,

Sorry you are not feeling too good at the moment. I suffer from IBS too and my symptoms seem to have gone away for now. I am also begining to feel a little bloated, mostly in the evening and haven't found anything that seems to work for me......sorry....will let you know if I find something useful. x x x
Shopaholic ...

I symapthise with you - I have had exactly the same thing for the past 4/5 weeks and not getting any better yet :( Much worse in the evenings, and I am so uncomfortable at night. There is nothing I have found which relieves it ... yet. I do not suffer with IBS, so I do't think it's related to that. I cannot do my trousers up from about 6pm and am actually going to go and buy some maternity clothes at the weekend in an attempt to be a bit more comfortable. Without sounding crass, I just try to expel as much of the gas as I can during the evening - this is the only way I can get any sleep at all at night. By about 6 or 7am my tummy is gas free and feels fantastic again.

I am beginning to dread evenings :( No sign of it easing up yet I'm afraid ...
I am also really really bloated at the moment, well it started from about week 6.
I start off the day a little bloated and by the time I go to bed I look like I am about ready to give birth :)
I got fed up with my clothes feeling OK in the morning and being really tight by the ending of my working day so I have ended up
buying some maternity trousers and it has been a god send.
I wish I bought some earlier rather than squeezing myself into trousers that were too small by the end of the day.
I haven't found anything that makes it any better I am afraid :x
My Dr has said it is just something that you have to deal with there is nothing you can do about it. If anyone knows anything different then
let us fattys know :D
Hi Ladies

Thanks for your replies. Sorry you are suffering with this as well. I'm trying peppermint tea and fennel tea at the moment to see if it helps. will keep you posted.

I was really hoping symptoms would be a bit better around 12 weeks which I'm just coming up to but I'm still sick loads and have a horrible taste in my mouth all the time.

Have also still got pains across my stomach which come and go - like sharp muscle pains - anyone else still getting them late in the 1st trimester? They make me feel nervous!

Sorry for all the questions! :)
Hi Shopaholic - do know just what you mean about feeling so bloated, my IBS seems to have flared up badly since being pregnant. You said you're trying peppermint tea - I found that helps a lot, and the other thing that's made a big difference is taking a couple of charcoal tablets after every meal - I've deflated massively! Hope this helps :hug: Ellie xx

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