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Anyone else starting to panic?

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Last night, i really was panicking, i started thinking, what if i dont like being a mum? what if i cant do it? what if i resent her? what if the novelty wears off? :shock:

It was doing my head in! Going through 2 miscarriages, the SPD and now the diabetes, i should be really excited but now i am just worried i will be rubbish! :(

I was never really maternal before last year, but then we both really wanted a baby

I just keep worrying that i wont bond with her and will become some horrible uncaring mother, :x

Is this just last minute jitters?

I think because all my plans for these last 6 weeks have gone up the spout, i was going to use the time to get her things ready, sort her room out, go shopping for last minute things, and instead i am housebound and unable to do much, its really taken the excitement out of things

Anyone else had worries like this?
i think its normal to feel like this and its just those pesky hormones. I like to think it will all fall into place once you've had her. Thats what im hoping anyway coz atm i am terrified of coping with 2! :hug:
Its completely normal to feel that way. I've had a few wobbly moments and got myself into a bit of a state because like you I've been worried that I'll do everything wrong and will hate being a mum but its just hormones and yes we will make mistakes but we will learn from them and we will have that motherly instinct. Don't worry hun, you'll be fine :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yep completely normal :hug:

The fact that you are worrying about these things just prove you are going to be a great Mum as you obviously want the best for your LO :hug:
I've had fears too! :hug: Mine are more like, what if she doesn't like me? What if I can't settle her? What if I've forgotten something? etc etc...

I think it's completely normal! Especially after 2 MC.. I'm sure it's totally normal to feel the way you do. We all worry about whether or not we'll be a good Mum, but as long as we always do whatever we can for our LOs, then we'll all be great Mums!!

You will be fine! :D :hug: xxx
Yup ive been having those panicky moments where im thinking what if im rubbish at being a mum? what if people think im doing things wrong? what if i dont bond with him as much as i feel i should etc, i think as the others have said its normal to worry about these things :hug: x
I've (pretty obviously I guess!) definitely had my panicky moments! It has also been because my plans went completely out of the window, but thanks to my family and some very nice, supportive people here I have managed to calm down a lot. Like others have said, it's a sign that you will be a great mother! I would worry more if someone was completely nonchalant about it all.
Yes, I've felt like that too. :hug: :hug: It took me a long time to develop a maternal instinct and I didn't want to have a baby unless I was really sure about it. As I've got closer to the due date, I have these panics that it was just a fad and that I'll not bond with the baby. I wonder whether it's just because it still seems a bit unreal. I know deep down that as soon as I see her I'll be besotted but it doesn't stop me panicking.
I feel like this all the time. I didnt plan to get pregnant, land I get panicked Im not cut out for this. But in moments of clarity I realise that the very fact we are worrying about how good we will be, shows we will be good! So many parents dont seem to give a crap about their little ones (i used to work in the Social Work office so have seen some bad stories) so the fact that we already care enough to worry, before its even born, means a lot. Your baby will be lucky to have you as a Mummy xx :hug:
Thanks for everyones replies its nice to know im not losing the plot or that we all are together

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Absolutley normal hun and these anxieties are what make great parents.

FWIW I am not at all maternal, but think I make a pretty damn good mum anyways :D
There's no point in dressing it up!

Parenthood is HARD! For the first 6 weeks my baby was very much a "cry baby" and you also just can't do anything with them. They won't be able to hold rattles, or smile, and you'll have very little clue at first of what's wrong with them when they are crying. You won't just be able to leave the room and do what you want. That little bundle needs your attention 24/7! My son would never go in a bouncer without screaming the place down, or play under a play gym or anything like that.

It's at that point that you'll wish you were back to being pregnant and being pampered and having all the attention. That stops quicksmart once the baby is born!!

It's only in the last 5 weeks or so my Son has actually started to settle down and I've been able to enjoy him so much more - he'll happily play and chatter away etc now.

I'm convinced that there is only a 1% chance of having one of those "perfect" babies! The movies have been lying all along :rotfl:

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