anyone else overdue???


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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im overdue and getting a bit fed up. every night i go to bed hoping something is going to happen but it never does! Havent even had a show! What's everyone doing to bring on labour? think ive tried most things just given up now lol!
Me me me! I was due on Monday! Just keeping myself busy with all the things I don't normally have time to do! Have spent today updating mine and OHs iPhones on iTunes.....THATS how bored I am lol!!

Been bouncing on my ball a bit but haven't tried anything else yet! Just come to the conclusion that bubba will come when ready!!

Am fed up of people asking if I've had it yet, but part from that just trying to enjoy some 'me' time.....(even tho I'm dying to meet bubba lol)

How far over are u hun? Xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Aw yea my other hal is self emplyed so hes been around all week as he hasnt booked any big jobs in incase baby comes so we've been out for lunch a couple of times, little bit of shopping, cleaning, sorting stuff out etc. I have a ball too but getting a bit bored of it now lol.
Im 6 days over, was due on the 2nd! had sweep on monday, will be seein midwife again tomo and maybe she will do another one. Have you had one yet? xx
My OH is self employed too and I'm Surpised how nice it's been having him around, thought he'd do my head in lol! But he's been a god send cooking and cleaning whilst I lord it on the settee lol! :)

Ive got my first sweep on Monday! Eeeek! What was it like if u don't mind me asking? Did it hurt?

If nothing happens after this they'll induce me next it's nice to have an end date in sight!!

Just think in a week or so well both have our bubbas :)

Do u know what you're having? We're team yellow xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Aww your so lucky, my OH doesnt really help with cooking or cleaning lol, its his mums fault really as he was never made to do anything when he lived at home and his dad does nothing either.

The sweep was just a bit uncomfortable really, you loose ya dignity aswell lol. i had a bit of cramping after and baby moved around lots but settled after about an hour.

Im seeing midwife in the morning and she will book an induction for some time next week, really hope i go into labour naturally though!

We are team blue, i originally didnt want to find out what we were having but my other half really wanted to and by the 20 week scan i was itching to know so we found out. It has been nice being able to buy lots of blue/boys things ive also got loads of clothes for him in the sale for next summer etc. I can understand why people like to keep it a secret aswell though, bet you can't wait to know the sex now! xx

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