Anyone 5/6/7 dpo?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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I'm 5/6 dpo at the mo, not feeling anything really as is to be expected at this stage but have sore nips and have been dying of heartburn for 3/4 days a thing iv only ever had once in my life before! Thought I did read online that it can be caused by heightened levels of progesterone in early pregnancy?! How's everyone else? X
Hi hun, I'm 7dpo today, only had a slight af cramp in one side yesterday and today but nothing else. Good luck xxx
Good luck tO you too! Iv also had creamy cm and lots of twinges tonight soooo hard not to ss! When are u testing? X
I'm not going to test, I cant deal with the upset of a bfn. I have sore nipples today, i usually get sore but not this early. When are you testing and how you feeling today?x
Hi poppy! I have a few things today! Lots of twinges and a little pain in lower back and ov area. Sore nips (possibly because I keep poking them!) and lots of creamy cm! I still have heartburn too which may sound mental but I have never in my 25 years had it before?! Ur good not testing! I'm dying to poas! X
I can't test as every time I do I get bfn so I give up and waitfor af, the day she arrives a day late I will test! Your symptoms sounds good hopefully your onto a winning month! Af is due for me next Thursday, is it the same for you?x
I'm due wednesday I think. This is only my 3rd cycle so I think everything is a symptom! Lol have u done anything different this month? Iv went in full steam ahead frOm day one with opks, cbfm and conceive plus but no luck so far! X
I don't have a cbfm is it good? I just done the usual this month so will see what happens!

How you feeling today?x
A lot of the girls on here really like it, but I've been a little put off as last month it missed my surge and did t give me a peak, so this month i used Internet cheapies along side it and got 2peaks on cd12-13. I'm pretty much the same but am kinda thinking I may have had a little implantation spotting this morn?? I never spot or stain before af and it's not due for 6 days either. But when I wiped this morn it's was like cm but with little tiny brown spots in it??! I had to google it cuz I didn't even know what spotting looked like! But then I checked my cervix after my shower and it's low and hard which some google posts say af is on her way and then others say that cervical position is not a good indicator so I'm confused now!!

How about you? X
Sorry that ended up being a really long answer!! Lol
I'm 7 days today on
Cycle 26 :( hubby going
For sperm test tues so won't be too upset this month as referral will follow either way regardless of results as we have been ttc so
Long .
I have just seen your other post fingers crossed it is a implant bleed :) I don't know much about cervix positions so I can't help with that.

I have had af cramps today and a few yesterday but she's not due till next thursday and I don't usually get them a week in advance!

Are you going to test? Good luck x

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I think I am 6dpo or 7dpo but not sure. I sooooo want to test! I hate the waiting and it feels like it is taking forever. I bgt somepregnancy tests of ebay which still haven't arrived (very annoyed by that) but the good news anout this is thatI wasn't able to poas because I don't have them yet hehe. I ordered cheapies and since I am not exactly surewhenI had my ov I will test on monday because that would make me 9 or10dpo(last time I got my bfp at 10dpo). I guess it is worth it to test then and if I get a bfn I will just wait some days.

some moments of the day Ifeel really pregnant but then others I am so unsure and think I am not. has anyone else also had this?
I think I am 6dpo or 7dpo but not sure. I sooooo want to test! I hate the waiting and it feels like it is taking forever. I bgt somepregnancy tests of ebay which still haven't arrived (very annoyed by that) but the good news anout this is thatI wasn't able to poas because I don't have them yet hehe. I ordered cheapies and since I am not exactly surewhenI had my ov I will test on monday because that would make me 9 or10dpo(last time I got my bfp at 10dpo). I guess it is worth it to test then and if I get a bfn I will just wait some days.

some moments of the day Ifeel really pregnant but then others I am so unsure and think I am not. has anyone else also had this?

me! Some days I feel pregnant and later in the day I feel "normal" I on the other hand did a IC hpt bfn of course its too soon. I feel super tired and a little nauseous after I eat and that is so NOT me I love to eat!. my uterus feels full if you can believe that......but I'm glad this 2ww is getting closer to its end!
Hi girls, thanks for all ur replies, how are u all? Poppy I'm not sure if I'm going to test or not, I'm having one of those "nah I'm not pregnant" days! Lol was feeling very optimistic yesterday when I thought I had an implantation bleed but now I'm not do sure! 2ww are crap!! Iv had SOOO much sex this month I'll be cross if af comes!
How many days have you got left until af comes? 5? I have had smallish af cramps all day, weird!! I need to keep busy this weekend so I don't think about af coming on Thursday! Xxx

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