Anyone “geriatric” and TTC??


New Member
Oct 10, 2023
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Hey everyone! I’m new to posting, usually just reading others journeys, but I felt compelled to post. I’m (newly) 39 years old, and my husband (34) and I are trying for our 3rd. We have 2 beautiful girls that I had at 31 and 34. We would love to add a boy to our family! With my girls, it seemed fairly easy to conceive. I did have a chemical pregnancy between them, but I seem to become pregnant pretty easily. Not so much this go round. We’ve been trying for 6 cycles now, with ovulation testing, and no luck. Just curious if anyone is in the same boat, has been in the same boat, or knows of anyone who successfully took this boat ride?? Baby dust to every strong, hopeful, and maybe slightly desperate woman out there! ❤️
Hi yes, I just had baby 6 the day before I turned 41! No complications, healthy baby. Good luck!
Hi yes, I just had baby 6 the day before I turned 41! No complications, healthy baby. Good luck!

Thank you so much for replying! I am an overall healthy woman, so I’m hoping it’ll happen for me soon!!!! ❤️
Hi there, congratulations on having girls. I know some women who are 45 + and have been able to get pregnant without any medical help. Usually, doctors suggest seeing a specialist if a woman who is 40+ hasn't been able to get pregnant during 6 months. I'm not an expert, but it might be a good idea to check your ovarian reserve. This can give you an idea of your chances of getting pregnant. I also like reading online magazines about fertility, such as fertility road or the fertility.They often have tips on how your diet and lifestyle can improve your chances of getting pregnant. Good luck on your journey!
Hi there, congratulations on having girls. I know some women who are 45 + and have been able to get pregnant without any medical help. Usually, doctors suggest seeing a specialist if a woman who is 40+ hasn't been able to get pregnant during 6 months. I'm not an expert, but it might be a good idea to check your ovarian reserve. This can give you an idea of your chances of getting pregnant. I also like reading online magazines about fertility, such as fertility road or the fertility.They often have tips on how your diet and lifestyle can improve your chances of getting pregnant. Good luck on your journey!

Thank you so much! I’ll def look into those!
Thank you so much for replying! I am an overall healthy woman, so I’m hoping it’ll happen for me soon!!!! ❤️
A few friends of mine got pregnant at 40+ and have a healthy baby. Additionally, many sites such as fertilityroad or fertially provide helpful information and recommendations for ladies at more advanced maternal age helping to get pregnant fast. Good luck on your journey.

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