Anybody know anything about voice breaking ??


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2008
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My son is 10 years old and he thinks his voice is starting to break. Brian cant remember what happened when his went so ill ask in here and see if anyone knows more than me.

His voice isnt really squeaky, he has always had a really deep voice even when he was little, the only time he kinda goes of key is when he gets excited.

He says he has a lump in his throat that isnt sore but he can feel it when he swallows and sometimes when he doesnt ??

He thinks this might be his Adams apple starting.

I dont know, he is a tall, broad lad and it wouldnt surprise me if he started puberty early, but im totally clueless about the voice breaking thing
Usually boys tend to get a sore throat and then when it gets better their voice is deeper, other than that I would just say the obvious voice cracking mid-sentence and stuff. Not sure about the adamsapple thing sorry.
I thought voice broke about 13/14... :think: I would call NHS direct and ask :oops: ...but then that is just me :oops:

my son was about 10 hun and it was just a case of he was a bit croacky for a few weeks, it was quite funny actually
Charlie had a spell a few months back around his tenth birthday where he was constantly kinda coughing almost like a nervous tick thing.. was doin my nut in but OH gently explained to me that it was probably his voice breaking.. then a few days later after all this throat clearing Charlie rang the intercom of the flat and his voice was considerably deeper than before.. i seem to remember him complaining of his throat feeling scratchy and sore and like he constantly needed to clear his throat hence the little cough x x x
My son is 10 and insisting his voice is breaking, but i cant hear any sign of it and my D/H just smiles at him and says there you go mate your growing up that means you have to do more round the house (they have a good relationship and banter alot my D/H is my sons step dad)
he has begun to notice and fancy girls and the other things that go with this. (started last new year the emotions that went with it, think we handeled it ok)
Part of me thinks that he just wants to be a little more grown up he styling his hair more showers than he normally would have and is wearing aftershave (not that he shaves lol although D/H is convinsed AJ my son has usued his trimmer we have moved it from the bathroom into are room lol)

Your sons voice maybe breaking (everybody is different) or like mine might just want to feel a little grown up, just keep a listen out for teh squeeks and then the dips in his voice

Good luck (its a delicate stage i think)

Pam x

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