anybody know any carer's looking for work? :S


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Bit of a long shot but no harm in asking eh, you never know who people know.

Basically my stepdad is disabled from a motorbike accident and is in a wheelchair... I won't go into it too much as it's not necessary... but they have live-in carers at their house (in Shropshire, and some of you have seen how gorgeous my mums house is before on previous "inside your house" threads!).

Basically their new carer walked out today while they had popped into town :( it's always happening to them and my mums just cancelled coming over to ours for the weekend (again) because she's left without a carer at short notice.

They have one lady that comes over from Czech Republic? Romania? I don't know, somewhere like that anyhow, and even she isn't very good :( she does 1 week out of 2, or 3 :?

But they are still desparate for another carer... somebody that needs to know how to deal with a person with spinal injuries. Everything is provided - they obviously get paid, and get accommodation and food and stuff... and they don't even have to be 24/7 or anything as a lot of the time my mum and Mark go out and the carer is free for the afternoon to pretty much do whatever, or if they want to go out for the night once Mark's gone to bed (about 8.30) then they can (as long as they can be awake for about 9am without a hangover!!). It's all really flexible and laid back there and my mum and Mark are lovely really...

It's just a real pity they can't find anyone :( They've tried agencies and online job sites to no avail :( If anybody knows anybody at all who might be interested please let me know, or if you know anywhere else they can try to advertise.. my mums so down about it and I wish I could help :(


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