any point in POAS?


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2009
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Hi girly wurlies, how r u all? just a quick question bout using opk as pregnancy test. I was 6 days late last month so don't really know when to test. I've usually got a 32/33 day cycle, so just decided to count as usual which means I'm due af about wed. we havent been bd as much this month, ive lost the will atm and want to let it happen naturally. We did it a few times, not sure at all if it was over ovulaiton.
I've got sore boobs which i always get before period but this month i feel absolutely lousy, v v tired, grumpy, famished and just achey all over. a little bit nauseous too. Am not getting my hopes up to be dashed but yesterday i decided to use ovulation dipper to see what i got. didnt get ANY second line which i thought was impossible with those! I don't poas any more till af is late, its too upsetting to keep getting bfns, so i was wondering how reliable ovulation testers are as pregnancy testers, if u get a negative ov does that mean a hptk wood be neg too? I'm forbidden from having those in the house.:shakehead:
phew! thanks xoxox
Hey Catb ....

I think in SOME instances an OPK can pick up HCG hormone but shouldnt be used as a HPT as they are not reliable!

If your unsure I would test as long as you can cope with it being a BFP just incase.....Sorry Im not more helpfull but thats what I would do! xxx
I never used to get any second line at all on opks unless I was just about to ovulate or just had. I took one when I found out I was pregnant with Toby and still didn't get a second line - I did get a positive opk when I was about 6 weeks pregnant and just felt like testing on something, but they're not as reliable as pregnancy tests. Fingers crossed for you :dust:

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