Any one seen my baby??????????????


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Hey Girls! Im back. Thanks for you lovely thoughts, your great!
Had THE most fantastic time...but ive lost my baby! She is a icckle girly now! She is crawling her top tooth, and says HIYA, all since we were away!
I was so worried to leave her, she was a little madam just before we left.
She was good as gold for her Granny and Grandad. :roll:
We missed her so much and couldnt wait to get home, got to my car and my phone has been stolen out of it (in a SECURE carpark!) It had so many things that i cant replace, ie a pic of Charlie 40 mins old, and a recording of her heart beat when i was 36 weeks. Im so angry. :cry:
Egypt was fantastic and as soon as i have the time and energy i will post some pics. DH got us a bottle of Champagne and an upgrade to first class on the way out (well as first class as My Travel do hehe :cheer: ) so it was a lovely start to the honeymoon. It felt deserved too, DH has grafted his ass of so we could go.
The Pyramids were fantastic, and i even got DH to take a pic of me alone just to put on her for you girls lol!!!!! Ill post them soon.
Looking forward to reading all your news...might not get chance to reply to them all, hope your all well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Im am so glad you had a great time you deserve it, i cant wait to see pics. Cant beleve how fast our babies change must be somthing about being with the grandparents , can we see a pic of her now :)
Take care
I'm so pleased you had a good time hon :hug: What *******s nicking your phone though :evil:
Welcome back Hels ... *tutt* I was meant to go with you!! :shakehead:

Nevermind... glad you had a lovely time!! :hug:

Emilia xx
Welcome back Hels!! Glad you had a great time, and great news about Charlie being good for granny and grandad, and well done her on her new achievements! That's terrible about your phone, some people have no morals :(

Anyway, nice to have you back :D
Glad you a nice time. Look forward to seeing the pics :D
Glad you had a great time hels! Well done Charlie, shes growing up too fast !!! :shock:
Yay you're back :cheer:

Glad to hear you had a great time, and OMG Charlie is growing up so fast. She could show Seren a thing or two, especially how to grow teeth :rotfl:

Good to have you back, have missed you :hug:
Ah glad you had a supurb time hun!

Sorry about your phone hun :(
awww hun im so glad u had a great time u deserve it
and Charlie sounds sh ehas growen up so much

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