Any one heard about latest homebirth risks and changing their mind?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
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I have been really set on having a home birth but it is my first baby so gp and midwife aren't that keen (I'm low risk, so far). I've heard that latest research does suggest worse outcomes for first babies with planned home births although no increased risks with home births for second or more babies. The research also confirmed much lower rate of interventions with home births which is the main appeal for me but obviously don't want to put my baby at any risk if I can help it. Risks of things going badly wrong are still tiny less than 1%.

Just wondering if you girls had any thoughts on it or what your midwives have said to you if you have discussed home birth. Mine hasn't discussed it much just said we could talk further when I'm further on in pregnancy.
Mine said the same - that they dont encourage it for your first one, cos you can be in labour for a longer time, and that you can only have a midwife for the final part of labour. I got offered a midwife staffed unit instead.

Having had a look at the midwife unit im quite happy to be going there - its like a home from home.

DH wouldn't let me have a home birth, I'm not hugely fussed by the idea. We r going to the midwifery led unit in my local hospital. I think I will feel safer and I know DH will too x
I am going for a midewife led unit too (but I'd never considered a home birth!)
They really push the idea of homebirth here regardless of first baby or not but I just didn't fancy it because you only really have the gas and air for pain relief and I might need more! You should get 1 midwife once you're in established labour and then a 2nd one joins her for the final bit. You could hire a birthing pool aswell but I'm just not brave enough :lol:
Same as a few of the rest of you, DH feels safer with me being in a hospital and I don't want to cut myself off from the options of stronger pain relief as I have no idea how I'll cope!
Reckon it's a lovely idea to have a home birth but for me I feel happier for no1 baby to be in hospital. Not planning on going to the hospital early so can have as much home time as I van manage. Also dont think my house is big enough/have dogs so would be a disaster with them here!! Could get very cosy in the birthing pool if they had their way!! Tough decision but go with what u feel is right xxx
our midwife really pushed for us to have a home birth... and its our first, but we are low risk. However, we are going for hospital as i feel better knowing the staff and equipment are there! (plus i am landlady of a pub, and dont fancy giving birth knowing there are a hundred drunk people the floor below!!

my husband reckons he could do a live link to the big screens! ...... men!

def the hospital for me!!!

I think that women have been giving birth on the floor of caves for 1000's of years so it's gonna be a damn site better in your home with a qualified midwife!
Sometimes I wonder if all the intervention cab cause some of the birth problems.

HAVING SAID THAT home birth has never appealed to me and I'm gonna be tucked up in hospital! Besides at home someone would have to clean the mess and I ruddy well ain't :p

I was totally against the idea of home birth at first, mainly because of the idea of not having the equipment on hand if something went wrong. But after doing HypnoBirthing classes I really came round to the idea. a home birth can mean you're more relaxed and calm in your home environment, rather than being in a hospital which can be stressful in itself. Also, there is less intervention in your own home, you're just left to get on with it pretty much, which is ideally what home birth is all about. I also really want a water birth so was looking into the idea of hiring a birthing pool at home.

However, given the time of year our LO is due and the current shortage of midwives in our area we've been told that the chances of getting a midwife out to us, particularly if the weather is bad, could be quite slim. So I decided to use the midwife led unit and birthing pool at our local hospital. So that's what I've done my birth plan on the basis of. I did discuss all this with my midwife. But she phoned me last week to say that the consultant wants to see me about my birth plan as I am still classed as higher risk (due to having epilepsy that's been under control for over 10 years!). So I've got to see the consultant tomorrow and try and convince her to let me have the labour I want. There is no way on this earth I am giving birth in the consultant led unit at our hospital, it's horrible!
I had a home birth with my last baby, never wanted one but midwife didnt believe i was in labour and never came out for 5 hours!! By the time she got to me i couldnt get out the door so had him at home which wasnt as bad as i thought but all the way through the labour i was worrying something bad might happen and i wouldnt get to hospital in time. I wouldnt do it again and defo not on ur first x
I've been planning a homebirth since the beginning, and though the latest research has made me think about it more, I'm still planning on having the baby at home. We live just 5 minutes from the hospital so if we need to transfer it won't be too much of a journey - so it's homebirth but with an open mind and a bag packed ready to transfer if we need to xxx
I found the midwifes in south yorkshire try to push for home birth as they have with me but as I pointed out I have high blood pressure and that I want to be where there is medical attention which they agreed that this would be best option in the end and after they found out I have group B strep that it is a cert that I have to be in the hospital.

They do try and be pushy though.

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