Any one else got their scan soon?

JaidyBaby said:
Mine is at 9.20 on Wed 23rd!!

Thats just uncanny, 3 of us having scans on the same day and all roughly at the same time!!

Im glad your finding out the sex too Lynsey, hehe I thought I was gonna be the only one.

Another girl in the 1st trimester called Rusks has her scan that day too, her 12 week.

Busy day for the forum I think!!!!!

*hello gate crashing early, im nearly here anyway i hope!!*

Have my scan in 6 days like jaidy and lynsey!! yeah can't wait can you girls!! :cheer:
No none of us can, we cant shut up about it!!!

I can see it next week, all we will be talking about is scans and doing everyones heads in lol
:rotfl: I am going potty waiting!!!! Everyone in work knows how many sleeps ae left as I have been counting them for weeks!!! :lol:
Its more exciting than xmas isnt it Zoe???

That same feeling you had as a child when it was a week before xmas and you were counting down the sleeps :cheer:
just think at christmas when we shud all be excited about christmas we'll be all pissed off with the countdown to birthday hahaha

Ive already decided i aint doing christmas dinner, my mother is doing it, i normally do a second christmas on boxing day for my sisters to come round and ahve a christmas day with dad, but i told them that they can order takeaway, how terrible is that hahaha
Got mine at 3.30pm on 12th September - then going to the mortgage brokers to sort out new mortgage.

We are all at mums christmas day this year, my sis is due 22nd Decemebr so we will be both have hospital bags in the car and the hozzie is a 5 min drive from mums!! (Thats if sis hasnt gone already or I go early!!!)

Always wanted a christmas baby, its such an exciting time!!! Guess Santa has repaid me for being a very good girl all these years!! :wink:
At the end of the day its come at the right time...just think we will have a very good excuse to eat all that lovely xmas food!!

If you had a baby in say october/november if you were trying to shift the baby bulge crimbo wouldnt be a good help!
3 days to go, i feel like there is going to be nothing there!! keep having nightmares!! i am supposedly 13 weeks on tuesday but i will wait for wednesday for my scan to find out my dates officially and then i know when i can join you all proper!! as i think i may be put back a little - we'll see. best of luck all of you that have your scans this week can't wait to find out what you are having jade!! :dance:
If you had a baby in say october/november if you were trying to shift the baby bulge crimbo wouldnt be a good help![/quote]

That will be me :lol:

I'm so excited for you girls! My scan at 19 weeks when I was told I was having a girl was the best high of my life! it made everything so real! She isn't born yet but everyone talks about Leorah :lol:
Ohhh good luck all of you!!!!!

I have not long had 2 scans, 11 & 12 weeks, I don't have my 20 week until 16th Oct, and can't wait to find out the sex!!!!!!!!!

I'll look forward to seing all your scan piccys! xx
Yes Skatty I can relate to that, knowing the sex must make it feel alot more real because your not thinking of it as an 'it' any more but a 'he' or a 'she'!

Only 2 more sleeps....pray baby will cooperate on Wed! :pray:
Well babies eem to be behaving last scan or so, so keeping my fingers crossed that your LO lets you find out Jaidy!!
I am so nervous, but excited too!! Still cant believe I am pregnant, and think that when they scan me the baby wont be there!! :shock:

My friend in work is due the same day as me, she had her scan today-she is having a little boy, I am so excited for her!! She was convinced it was a girl, her and OH are delighted!! Another collegue had scan last week, so I am the last of the three of us on Wednesday...I hope they dont ask me if I want to know the sex coz I might be tempted to say "YES!!!"""" :think: :?
Go on Zoe.... you know you want to!! We are all dying to know!

Think about all that pink or blue shopping you could do.... :D
Got 20 week scan tomorrow @ 9.15am, so nervous I am pacing around and cant relax. Havent been on foum all night as I cant sit still long enuf to concentrate!!! :rotfl: Thought you gals could calm me don a bit......

Good luck Jaidy tomorrow, cant wait to see piccies and find out sex. I am torn now as to wether to find out, my fiend in work who is due same day as me had scan yesterday and is having a boy, so part of me wants to know now!!!!!! :think: What should I do???!!!

What are your predictions from my bump??? ... deview.jpg
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: look at that lovable pooch in that bump picture!

i reckon you're having a girl. I can see you with a girl :hug:
Jaidy my love, just realised I hi jacked your thread, thought I had posted a new thread....told you my head is all over the place tonight!!
God, the spelling was awful too, I called my FRIEND in work my fiend!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thanks Budgie, I would secretly love a little girl but a mini me of my gorg OH would be adorable too!! :lol:
I think girl too, a pink day all round tomorrow :lol:

Have a drink of coke or some choccie before your scans if you want them to find out the sex otherwise they might sit cosy with their legs crossed and not budge!
well todays the day for all of you!

hope the babys legs are firmly crossed for those wanting to know the sex. Sorry :rotfl: but its so much more excting not knowing. :cheer:

have fun all and come back soon and tell us how it went! :wave:

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