I was allowed to walk down to the anaesthetic room with Josh and then came back once he was asleep. I went a walk around the grounds, to avoid sitting for an hour and a half and then my Mum came up to sit with me. His was meant to be 1 1/2 hours and ended up being 2 hours, just cos he was sooo tiny that it was v fiddly for them. When he came out they called me to recovery room to take him straight away as some poor bloke was coming round too and wouldn't lie down as he was worried about the baby crying
It is horrible - but they take such careful care of them - Josh had a special doctor come in to take care of him and monitor him during the op, as he was classed as high risk due to only being the size of a 6 week old, and seeing them afterwards is upsetting - but having been through it since when he was a little older I have to say its actually easier. They don't know or remember. You don't have to hold it together - have a cry once they've gone in and afterwards as they come round you don't - cos you're happy its over
I did worry about him being in pain afterwards but I have to say he never showed any signs of it - but obviously it was a different op to yours, Josh was in plaster by the time he came round so was immobile.
One thing I will say is take your own bottles etc if you need them - even if you're bf they sometimes like them to sip water first after coming round, so a cup or bottle - and make sure you're the one washing them. I came back from having something to eat to find a nurse rinsing out a bottle under a hot tap and then refilling it - depsite the clean sterile bottles waiting in case I wasn't there to feed
The worst he ended up with was a tummy upset but it annoyed me..
the one I'm dreading most is the next one ..teenager unable to skate and in a wheelchair
Sure I'll suffer more than he does