any ideas of things to do at home when you're bored?

Why dont you start a cross-stitch sampler for your baby. Its a lovely keepsake for the nursery and will keep you busy x
Alicebabe said:
Why dont you start a cross-stitch sampler for your baby. Its a lovely keepsake for the nursery and will keep you busy x
thats a great idea my nan made a disney princess foe emma and i made one for my parents in law once, havent got the patients at the mo though :D
laetitia85 said:
It's very easy to get bored when the weather is not great...
today was the perfect example, DH and I spent more time trying to find something to do, than actually doing it!

we bought the board game Trivial Pursuit last week, but i don't fancy it right now. we normally keep each other amused with silly play fighting games and jokes etc. and enjoy each other's company even if it means just staring in each other's eyes but today i must say we are BORED and as a result - DH's nap is lasting longer than usual!!!!

any ideas of things to do at home apart from the OBVIOUS bedroom activities, as a young married couple lol!! surely there must be other things to do!!

we used to go walking (before the kids were all born) even in the rain. I live in a nice area close to the peak district and a few country parks.
if you don't fancy that read the masturbation thread in the adult section and get some tipsd in there :rotfl:
when we're bored we have a few things we like to do, we play cards or chess, we watch a film and cuddle up on the sofa, we are ammature philosophers so we quite often stick on a mellow cd, open a bottle of wine and pick a random subject to debate and that can last a good while as we bounce ideas of eachother, or he'll play his xbox while I play Lord of the rings online (its fab hehe), if its not raining we go for a walk (surrounded by forest and valleys - its lush) or we just go to bed :wink:
Read, sew, knit, keep a pregnancy diary, watch a DVD, - how can anyone ever be bored :shock: :wink:

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