any ideas of things to do at home when you're bored?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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It's very easy to get bored when the weather is not great...
today was the perfect example, DH and I spent more time trying to find something to do, than actually doing it!

we bought the board game Trivial Pursuit last week, but i don't fancy it right now. we normally keep each other amused with silly play fighting games and jokes etc. and enjoy each other's company even if it means just staring in each other's eyes but today i must say we are BORED and as a result - DH's nap is lasting longer than usual!!!!

any ideas of things to do at home apart from the OBVIOUS bedroom activities, as a young married couple lol!! surely there must be other things to do!!
There isnt much to do is there, the telly is a bag of crap and the usual sky channels are all repeats, board games are boring after a while, cant be bothered to play on the wii, im cold, not hungry cos i have eaten loads just to pass the time! can you tell im bored too??
yeah, i know!!
the forum is quite entertaining for me, but not for DH - poor thing. he keeps complaining that i spend too much time on it, i try to defend myself by telling him i learn a lot from the other pregnant ladies lol

he plays playstation when he's bored but i want ideas of things to do with him, as a couple!
i know what you mean we never know what to do apart from the usual scrabble, playing cards, rubbing each others he is used to me on the laptop all the time so he doesnt complain any more, i love my forums but men arent into these things are they, its just aload of rubbish to them.
Get a Wii - you don't have to leap around as the controller is really sensitive - but it wicked to play together :lol:
monster_munch said:
Get a Wii - you don't have to leap around as the controller is really sensitive - but it wicked to play together :lol:

I bought a new PC the other day and I SOOOOO wish Id bought a Wii instead :(
It is ACE

I have sore arms, but love it!

Have beaten OH on everything so far - beating him on boxing was the most enjoyable :rotfl: Although it's not really fair as my dad is an ex semi-pro boxer and has taught me how to box from a young age.

Poor DH got knocked out in the 1st round 3 times :rotfl: :rotfl:
we dont get chance with it as the kids are on it all the time, they look at you when you stand up and they say, were you going, and i say on the wii and they say oh i was just going on it, and thats it, cos i cant run as fast as them i am in a queue!.....little rat bags!
get all your old photos/videos etc out and spend some time reminising (sp), even your baby ones etc,
zebrastripes said:
Go to the library and get out a pile of books. :)

mmmmmh no that's just not us!!! but thanx! (am i being difficult here? lool) :wall:
I'm trying to think of stuff I do when i'm bored.
.....bake? i always end up baking crazy stuff when i'm really bored :lol:
mummykay said:
look thru photos, clean or have sex lol :rotfl:

looking through photos sounds good, they're all on the PC, we don't really have any printed ones - could do that, yeah! the second option is boring, the third is soooo part of our routine already, i wanted something different! :D
you think you are bored!! Try being at home yourself when the little one is in bed!!

There is only so much ironing and cleaning you can do!! TV is crap and I have surfed every website possible!! hehe!!

I'd be lost without this site!
zebrastripes said:
I'm trying to think of stuff I do when i'm bored.
.....bake? i always end up baking crazy stuff when i'm really bored :lol:

I WAS THINKING OF THAT, i suggested it to him and he laughed!!!! aaaaargggh men!!!
i love goin thru our photos, when we look at our first pics together and now with Jam its crazy how he just sits perfectly with us like hes always been there lol :D
laetitia85 said:
zebrastripes said:
I'm trying to think of stuff I do when i'm bored.
.....bake? i always end up baking crazy stuff when i'm really bored :lol:

I WAS THINKING OF THAT, i suggested it to him and he laughed!!!! aaaaargggh men!!!

he won't be complaining when he's eating it :D
laetitia85 said:
zebrastripes said:
I'm trying to think of stuff I do when i'm bored.
.....bake? i always end up baking crazy stuff when i'm really bored :lol:

I WAS THINKING OF THAT, i suggested it to him and he laughed!!!! aaaaargggh men!!!

I'm not surprised you were thinking that, your food mad :rotfl:

I love my food too, being with my OH is great I love cooking all the traditionals like sunday roast, cottage pie (and baking cookies and cakes yum) and he is great at proper currys, chillies and stir frys, so we're perfect together.

Maybe you could cook a "mans" meal does he like curry's? he could make the curry and you could make homemade naan breads.


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