any 1 else


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2008
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hi all does any1 else have an achy arm i do its been on and off since yday :?
hi trudie

yeah you're not along the tops of my arms were sore yesterday and I've not done any exercise. It went almost under my armpits and down the side of my breasts. It's not so bad today. Feeling a little bit better today,back pain subsided a bit. I admit i find it a bit scary when the symptoms change or reduce. When there are no other signs I can see how it can create a panic but I'm just trying to go with the flow! It's all very new to me and I didnt expect to get pregnant so quickly so I hadnt even done any reading on it at all!

Good luck.
well i went to the and doctors just now and she was like its fine jus keep an eye on it etc. lol its just part and parcel i really need to stop freaking out on everything lol and jus relax and enjoy lol 100% more parraniod sp? since join here but then if i didnt join i wouldnt of met ppl in my situation or new friends or be a awear of any problems that can happen i just keep telling my self everythings fine every things cool i did 7 test all positive and one of them was digital lol i still wanna do some more just to check i told the doctor i did 7 and she didnt do a test for me lol

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