anxious after a 2nd trimester loss


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2008
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Hello people, I'm 16 weeks + 2 and see the midwife tomorrow. I'm so nervous as I lost a baby 2 years ago and only found out @ 17 weeks at a routine appointment with my midwife, I had no bleeding or pain, it was the biggest shock and is making me very scared this time round. I just want to hear the heart beating tomorrow and I can chill ( well for a few days anyway). All was well on my first scan @ 12 weeks so fingers crossed all stayed well.

It should be such a happy and exciting time right now and I feel bad for thinking the worst because it's such a blessing to be pregnant, but reading some of your other posts I can see we are all feeling the same. Good luck everyone.

Charlotte :hug:
Oh hun, I'm sure everything will be fine at your appointment tomorrow!

Can totally understand your anxiety, completely natural after what you have been through!

Good luck for tomorrow :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh hun i can totaly sympafise i went thorugh simalar at my 12 week scan, i had a missed miscarriage with my last pregnany and we didin't find out till our 12 week scan. Although it's a scary time remember it's a new sperm and a new egg so it's a different baby all together and there is no reason it'll happen this time :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: thinking this way has helped me through the first 12 weeks of this pregnancy :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: good luck tomorrow i'm sure all will be well
It must be a very worrying time for you.
Wishing you lots of luck tomorrow :hug: :hug:
im sorry to hear what happened and i can understand with what you say,

its completely natural to feel like this hun ok of course its a happy and exciting time for you hun and yes try to enjoy it (i know easier said than done i know) but there is nothing to say you cant be nervous or scared or anxious but im sure all will be fine

good luck tommorrow let us know how you get on :hug: :hug:
Well, I went today and there is a heart beat! I burst into tears a few seconds after I heard it, I don't cry in front of people at all (apart from my bf) but the emotion just came from somewhere and I couldn't control it. Thankfully the midwife was very understanding. Phew I'm so happy today is over and all is as it should be. I feel totally exhausted now.

Thank you for replying and for your kind words, it really helps.

Charlotte :hug:
Have you thought of buyng your own doppler? Some people don`t like the idea, but I used mine all through the last pregnancy. If I felt doubtful , i would listen in and i reasured me. I had a car crash one day and went straight home and listened in, it was so reasuring, i felt a real connection. I also used it the night before scans and examinations so that I knew all was well and didnt get so nervous.

I`m so glad for you that you heared the heart beat today. Well done. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Not thought about getting a doppler tbh, it's a good suggestion thanks. If I did have one I might get obsessed listening in or get really worried if I couldn't find the hb. Will give it some thought :D
I am pleased everything is going well :hug:

I dont think id get a doppley either, would drive me insane :lol:
I had a second trimester loss last year, but in different cirucmstances (had a medical termination at 23 weeks due to my baby girl having edwards syndrome) and I know how anxious you will be feeling, but personally I would not get a doppler, you could end up panicking yourself for no reason, plus you will be feeling the baby move soon enough and that should be reassuring for you.

I know lots of ladies on here have dopplers, but I think once you have had a late loss the last thing you need is something else to worry about. Hopefully hearing the heart beat will have reassured you :hug:

No one will ever be able to reassure you fully, but it wont be long until you are holding your new baby in your arms.

Keep strong

Tracey xx
Thanks Ladies, I don't think I'll get a 'doppley thing' (he he Tasha that made me smile). Tracey your right about the movement, I do feel movement now and it's reassuringly wonderful. To read about Your loss made me feel awfully sad :( , life eh what does it do to us? :hug: :hug: :hug: to you x

My boy's help me keep strong when things become difficult, they have been pure magic

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