Antibiotics! :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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Im fed up!!, this is like the second urine infection ive had in pregnancy and ill be glad when im not pregnant anymore so i cant get them!:wall2:

And to make matters worse ive had a right hoo-ha getting hold of them!, nearly every chemist i tried said they didn't stock them!..So went back to the doctors this morning and they told me the chemist next to them had them, went in..'Ohh, sorry we dont stock those'..Back to the doctor i go, and the whole time they had another prescription for me!..Same medicine but in a smaller dose!..So ive gone from only taking them twice a day, to taking them 4 times! :|..Why are doctors so useless!:mad:

My nitrates are through the roof!, i had my 28 week midwife appointment when i was 29 weeks and apparently my fiance tells me when they did the dip test thing the nitrate section was bright pink!, and sort of shocked the midwife..So ive gone from having 7 months of 'trace ++' to now having '+++', but everything else is apparently in order apart from my water works!

Im sorry for whining but im so fed up of being pregnant now and catching all these nasties!, i just want it to be May so i can go back to normality! :(
it happens hun, i get them all the time when pregnant too had 3 already and only 28 weeks, best thing water and loads of it. and doctors are crap you cant say it clearer. they will keep messing you about constantly while your pregnant as they dont want get something wrong and then them been sused cuz its there fault. best thing do is take everything they say with a pinch of salt and if u can stomach it drink cranberry pure juice tastes vile but it clears water infections quicker than tablets hun x
Thanks hun :)..Ive actually brought some cranberry juice and haven't gotten around to drinking it yet, but if its still in date i will drink it!, i do like it a lot, so i may have a few glasses, Just cant believe how easy it is to get infections when pregnant and then when i wasn't pregnant i had nothing at all wrong with me!..I miss that! :|
so do i but its one thing we have to give up when pregnant. i miss my energy its gone on hols wish i had lol. just keep drinking and you will be pleasantly suprised as to how well it works. best thing to try and avoid infections is cranberry juice lots of water and veg not too much fruit as the amount of acids in them. just grin and bear it til the end shug its all we can do now x
I'm so glad you posted this! I'm on antibiotics as well for a water infection at the minute, second one I've had in 4 weeks :(. I have to take mine 4 times a day for a week as well. It's just like one thing after another isn't it haha! But it'll all be worth it in the end :). No matter how much I have to wee or how much it burns when I wee! Echoing what tabbi said as well, lots and lots of water a cranberry juice definitely helps! You've not got long to go now though :D. xxxx
Thanks ladies!, i just hate being on anti biotics as i just feel so crap!, that and being tired is just sheer hell!..I just dont know why they didn't let it slide as ive got no symptoms of a water infection it doesn't burn or sting when i pee!, ive had nitrates in my water for the past 7 months and they just dont budge! :(, hopefully the anti biotics im on now will do more as their specifically for water infections unlike the crappy amoxicillin they put me on last time!. Hopefully this will be the last water infection ill have for the rest of my pregnancy, chance would be a fine thing eh?

Im sorry to keep whining! :\
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Oh Honey MASSIVE :hugs: to ou, i'm sorry your suffereing, we don;t have long to go now though xxxxxxxxx
Lol you don't need to keep apologising for whining :). It's our right as pregnant women to whine ;). Plus that's what this forums about, being able to let it all out to people who understand :). I'm on Ceflaxin at the minute for my infection and it makes me not poop! Pregnancy has its downfalls :(. xxx
I totally get ya! i have had, wait for it, TEN FLAMING COURSES OF ANTIBIOTICS!!!

Its now been decided that I am on constant antibiotics till the end of pregnancy! Its a real pain in the arse, in fact my tablets are up to 18 per day plus one injection.... however just think, what would you do to get your baby here? I know that I would do absolutely anything, so you just have to keep this in mind.

Hugs xxx
I never thought id have as many problems medically as i do now before i got pregnant!..If i knew id get water infections coming out of my nose i dont think i would of bothered getting pregnant (As bad as that sounds)..Im on such a downer. I dont know what it is about anti biotics they just mess with me!..I get tired, i loose my appetite and worst of all i feel really sick most days!, but todays been alright im not feeling bad just really tired :(..And ive got another week of them to take!

Pregnancy is punishment, id rather go to jail :lol:

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