Anti D injection??


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
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I am A- and I know that normally would need anti d injection at 30 weeks but I got one after D&C in January 2011. Does anyone know whether I should still be getting it again now? I have appointment with hospital on Monday morning and just wondering am I gonna get needle stuck in me :(
Is the appointment for an anti d? Did you mention to anyone that you had had one before?

If its for the anti d I would mention you had one and see what they say x x x
Appointment not for anti d. Was for my 29 week appointment but as it fell on Easter Monday it was put back to this week. Mayb I won't need it again. TBH I think I've gone thru this mainly on my own - no one has even mentioned labour, delivery to me and haven't even got maternity notes yet!!!!
Have you had a midwife appointment, they should have booked you in and given you white notes.

Labour is normally talked about at your midwife appointments later on.

I had a specific appointment for ANti D and had to go to the hospital, is the appointment for a midwife?

If it is I would ask her she will know.
I'm sure you should get it huni, I'm expecting my 3rd and I've had it every pregnancy huni. X
I'm O neg I had my anti D at my 28 week appointment as routine.
I didn't know they did it for A neg though, but ask your midwife x
I'm also A-, I too have had the Anti - D previously following a D&C...but I've needed to have it again with this pregnancy and was booked in routinely at 28 weeks to have it. You will need it apparently for every pregnancy you have and then again after the birth IF the baby is different blood group which they will check pretty much straight away.

It should be on your notes by now what blood type you are and someone should have spoken with you by now about it all! I think it's bad if you've had to wait til later because it's quite an important injection.

Good luck! xx
I had my Anti D the other day when i was 29 weeks at the hospital, i thnk they would send you a letter stating if you need one? mabye check at your app just incase x

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