Anterior Placenta


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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Hi girls, has any of you got a anterior placenta? I found out yesterday at the 20 week scan, I had a feeling I did as I wasnt feeling as much as I should do at this stage. Do you know when I will start feeling strong movements with my placenta being at the front?
I have an anterior placenta too. I knew from the 12 week scan so I didn't expect to feel movements as early as others.

I can say I felt distinct kicks from about 21 weeks onwards, though it is a bit hit and miss, it still feels muffled at times even now.
mine has been anterior with all 3 of mine. Im 26 weeks now and get the hell kicked out of me lol, suppose it all depends on your body and baby as i felt proper kicks around 18 weeks xx
yeah i can start to feel little kinda kicks/nudges but they are not strong at all, def a hit and miss.
I found out at my 12 week scan I have an anterior placenta. Next scan is next weds. I have felt little nudges and some movement, but not nearly as much as my friend who is close to my stage of pregnancy xx
i have read my notes today which says i have high anterior placenta, but ave been feeling proper good kicks for the last cople of weeks so im assuming its because its high and my baby is still low down :) hopefully it will start booting ur properly soon xx
I have an anterior placenta too. I felt proper kicks at about 22 weeks and I really only ever feel kicks low down now....
ive got anterior placenta and i only felt anything at 23 weeks. even now its muffled and not strong movements often.
I had anterior with my LO and I didn't feel anything till 22weeks I think!
I also have an anterior placenta - still haven't felt anything yet either :(
its only in the laat week i've really started feeling strong ones with my anterior placenta xx don't worry it'll come!!

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