Antenatal classes second time round?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Just wondered peoples thoughts really? Don't really know whether I want to go to them or not this time round?!..... Did nct and NHS with my son ( he is 2 years 3 months) but I got induced and had a very intervention based labour. I was wondering if much will have changed in the last few years and whether it would be good for me to do a refresher on labour and methods of pain relief etc incase I go naturally this time?..... Or do you think it would be a waste of time?
I also would like to bf again but feel like I've forgotten so much!! Will it all come back to me do I think??
Thanks for your opinions xxx
Hey hun, really up to you :)
We don't get offered the opportunity to attend Nhs antenatal classes if you had a baby in the last 10 years in my trust, so decision was made for me when expecting my 2nd. Nonetheless I personally wouldn't have gone if I had the chance because I kinda remembered all the basics, when to go to hospital, tens, gas and air, opioids and epidural ; the different positions and 'the breathing'. Breastfeeding wise I think it will all come back to you and if any issues you can ask for advice at the time as all babies are different in how they feed.

The only reason I would consider going to classes again would be to get to know mums to be in your area , 7 of my very good friends I met during classes 1st time round :)

Ended up not needing any refreshers anyway as baby n 2 arrived very smoothly and quickly with only 15 minutes on gas and air, having had a very complicated forceps 1st time round!

Maybe someone will come after me and have more constructive things to say, as I am maybe not the best person to ask !

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I wanted to do an NCT refresher course (didn't do NCT last time, just NHS) as much as anything to make some friends for this LO so that he or she doesn't just have to share DD's friends. But it's REALLY frustrating. Our local NCT offer a one day refresher course for you and OH with reunion after birth (just what I wanted) for May and June babies but July and August they are only offering a day and a half refresher course for ladies only with no reunion. And it's a day I can't do! I rung them and they emailed back with courses miles away which is not really the idea of going in the first place.

I, like you, had a very intervention based labour being induced and after 15 hours of labour having an emergency C-section then not being able to feed I really wanted to do the course especially the feeding bit (at the NHS one on the day we were talking about feeding a lady very unhelpfully ;) went into labour half way through the talk so we didn't ever get all the feeding help!)

But it looks like it's not meant to be! So I don't know now! xx
I didn't know nct did refresher courses! Last time I did them slightly out of area and sadly our group never gelled as such so don't have any friends from it! Never made any friends from the local NHS ones either for some reason ( I'm not an unfriendly person- honest!!)...... I just wonder if I did NHS ones again if I would b the odd one out as there was only one lady at the classes last time who was on her second child!

Mummy_ midwife- when u say all those things I think 'yeh I know all about that!' And I guess I do remember it! Maybe I'm just worrying over nothing! (Not unusual for me at all!)
Would b nice to make some friends again.....maybe I should look into nct refresher...... Such a shake they aren't offering what u need phoebes_mum xxx
Im doing the lazy daisy birth and relaxation classes, they are great as its more about relaxing and birth positions none of the stuff you will already know from having a baby and gone through it all before. I didn't do the classes last time either even though it was 15 years, just didn't feel the need as I knew what to expect and what I wanted! only thing I maybe missed out on was meeting other mums but I meant plenty afterwards and the girls Im friends with all moan about having nothing in common with the other women they met and rarely see them now!
I def want to do them this time.
I didn't do it with my first, 10 years ago. And this is OHs first & I want him to feel part of it & learn all the important bits so he feels a bit more comfortable during my labour etc.
What's the cost of the lazy Daisy classes Sarah if u don't mind me asking?? X
Yeah happy- b good for your OH definitely xx
I'm not going to bother this time as feel I know enough from last time and it would be a hassle more than anything to get oh to them and childcare for my son. There was a lady on her 2nd baby at our classes last time but she left after 1 class as she felt it was really aimed at first time mums. Luckily I have quite a few friends having a 2nd around the same time so don't feel the need to try and make new friends, plus there are quite a few baby groups around here I can go to after. Best of luck with your decision xx
Oh god I know I definitely need these!!
I think i'v got every preg book that exists but still feel like I know nothing.
Granted it's my first and so many people have told me 'when it happens your instincts take over and you just know' - really..... I just don't see it ! Oaft, even the thought of classes makes me excited :) xx
That's not too bad actually! Might look into that Sarah, thanks xx
i like going as it means I get to escape for a bit and purely think about baby!
I'm going to these too was lucky enough to win a 6 week course off a Facebook competition! Really looking forward to it! But also going to 2 NHS ones staring Tomo then week after with my oh xxxx

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