Well As you know i was first suppost to decide weither i wanted a section or not then wednesday i went to the doctor and he said that he wanted me to have a section due to my pelvis being small and baby too big , so i was suppost to let my delivery doctor know yesterday .
Well yesterdats appointment was crap.
She said she wants to wait till next monday now when im 37 weeks and do and internal and see how im progressing so now i have to wait.
If by next week she wants me to have a section i dont have much time to prepare.
I am getting so frusterated with them as every week its a different decision and i cant mentally get prepared if it keeps changing.
She then said if i labour they will see if i progress and then give me a section if im not
On the upside baby is engaged which is why ive had alot of pains so at least i know it was all for somthing.
Well thats my update so far sorry for it being so long
Well As you know i was first suppost to decide weither i wanted a section or not then wednesday i went to the doctor and he said that he wanted me to have a section due to my pelvis being small and baby too big , so i was suppost to let my delivery doctor know yesterday .
Well yesterdats appointment was crap.
She said she wants to wait till next monday now when im 37 weeks and do and internal and see how im progressing so now i have to wait.
If by next week she wants me to have a section i dont have much time to prepare.
I am getting so frusterated with them as every week its a different decision and i cant mentally get prepared if it keeps changing.
She then said if i labour they will see if i progress and then give me a section if im not

On the upside baby is engaged which is why ive had alot of pains so at least i know it was all for somthing.
Well thats my update so far sorry for it being so long