Another temp poll


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Which temp do I use. I normally get up at 0700.

Today I woke up at 0430, slept fitfully until 0630 when I took a temp of 36.51

I went back to sleep and woke at 0930 with a temp of 36.86

There is obviously a big difference between the two but which do I take: the one closer to my normal waking time but with only 2 hrs broken sleep or the one after 3 hours good sleep but is much later than my normal waking time...

Thanks guys...
I would take the one after 3 hours sleep, but in your situation, technically I would probably use the temperature corrector on FF and mark your specifics as 'sleep deprived'. Either way you're gonna have a blank circle instead of a dot today, but you'll have a record of why. :)
Argh, I don't have temp corrector as not a VIP member. Was waiting to see how this cycle turns out before joining!!! How does it adjust?

If I put the 0930 one in I get the circle, if I put the 0630 in I only get a circle if I put 'sleep deprived'. The whole FF thing is a little new to me.
OK well if you don't have the temp corrector, I'd just use the one that's closest to the time that you actually wake up and make a note of it. If you choose the first one and that's your normal wake-up time, mark 'sleep deprived' so that it is a white dot. Don't fret too much about one temp b/c it probably won't mean much in the grand scheme of things. :)
true lol it's just a temp I suppose. it was just such a big difference between the two.

see...this is exactly why I don't temp!!! It's far too bloody confusing :lol:
:lol: the funny thing is, it actually doens't matter at all this month as I've (hopefully!) already ovulated. It's just practice before next month (which FINGERS CROSSED I won't need as I'll be pregnant... HA wishful thinking)

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