Another rant about the coil!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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I'm so fekking fed up with this bloody thing! I posted a few months ago because I couldn't feel the strings, which turned out to be tucked just inside of my cervix.

Now it's happened again! I had it fitted in May and didn't have a period (apart from the odd bit of spotting). Just we moved at the end of November I had a light period, so I checked for my strings and, surprise surprise, they've gone AWOL again. Did an ovulation test a little while later to check what was going on and got a + so we're using extra protection. Started bleeding again tonight! Has it stopped working? Going from spotting now and then to regular periods at the same time as the strings disappearing seems a bit suspect to me :think:
i hate those things!! what sort of coil do u have? i had the marina for nearly 2 yrs, it was a nightnare i was never once able to find the strings, i had to have lots of scans to check it was still there coz even the doc's couldnt find them!! they blamed it on my high cervix!! i begged the doctors to remove it but they fobed me off for a good few mnonths, the best thing i did was have it removed. it was also making me realy depressed, and i had spotting throughout having it in.

if you have the marina coil i very much doubt it will have stopped working, not sure how the other ones work

I have the Merina, it's been fine up until recently. The first time I lost the strings I wanted it out but the Doc wouldn't do it. This time I definately want it out..We'd be better off using condoms!
thats another contraception that lets me down, well i jus get carried away in the moment and forget to use them haha :lol: , think im going to get sterlised after my nx pregnancy, nothing else seems to agre with me and i would never have the coil again!!

I had a mirena for 3 and half years, and have now had a copper coil for 5 months and have never had a problem finding the strings with either of them.

sorry to hear you're having problems :hug: :hug:
I was just about to post about the coil as i was going to give it a go.. is it a nightmare then?

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