Another one...


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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Article today says tht researchers have now linked smoking in pregnancy to sudden infant death syndrome. Still wondering of these are scare tatics, but I suppose if they have noted berating differences between babies of smoking mums and babies o non smoking mums then?!!!

I havnt smoked one cig in pregnancy, but I do crave it even though the past couple of years I reduced myself to a drinking smoker! Lol ohhh how I miss my glass of wine and ciggy! Lol
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Could believe that to be true, I've never smoked but like a few drinks of a weekend! Would kill for a glass of wine but I'm being a good girl! Lol
Oh I know what you mean hun!

I could still happily pounce on total strangers who are walking down the street smoking!

Personally I smoked all thru pregnancy with my son - he is now 11 and had no health problems relatng to breathing - last time he had to go to the doctors was about 4 years ago - does not get any more coughs and colds than the other little germ spreaders he goes to school with lol

However my partner does not smoke and I always promised that if I fell pregnant I would give up so the day I found out thats what I did! Not touched one since x
Oh I know what you mean hun!

I could still happily pounce on total strangers who are walking down the street smoking!

Personally I smoked all thru pregnancy with my son - he is now 11 and had no health problems relatng to breathing - last time he had to go to the doctors was about 4 years ago - does not get any more coughs and colds than the other little germ spreaders he goes to school with lol

However my partner does not smoke and I always promised that if I fell pregnant I would give up so the day I found out thats what I did! Not touched one since x

That just goes to prove how much dr's make us worry! Also, my mother smoked all the way through her 3 pregnancies and continued smoking even now, and none of us have had any health problems related to it!

Glad your son is fine, well done on giving up! That must have been difficult, well done you xxx
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Thanks hun - Yeah it's difficult but a promise is a promise and I always stick to my promises lol

My Mum also smoked with me and my brother too! xx
Yeah I reckon that could very well be true. x

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