Another one bites the dust


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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HI poeple.

im sorry to say im leaving, (some of you will be glad) i used to love this forum but i have got to breaking point.

there is no point in going in to detail coz i have come to realise it will do no good, but basicly im sick of being made to feel like a shit mum when i know that im not. I have rasied 2 beautiful children and i will raise Coby and this new baby in the same way if its called for, as i have no regrets.
I do not like to see others being made to feel the same either but each time i try to stick up for them i get crap so im not doing it anymore, this is not what a forum is for.

for those who are coming to the south wales meet, im still up for that, here is my email so we can still stay in touch and arrange a time and place etc.. [email protected]

thanks to all those who have suported me through my ups and down, good times and bad.....

don't go hun y let a few stupid comments off people that don't really matter make u leave you have alot of friends on here that will miss u please reconsider :(
Layla hun what the hell has happened? Don't dare leave this forum bud, I was looking forward to the arrival of baby Elvis!

On a serious note, how are u a shit mum? 3 beautiful healthy thriving children with a 4th on the way, you are to be commended not slated.

You are maturer than all this crap that's been going on, and more valued than any of them who are making u feel like this. :twisted:

PM me if u need a chat. xxx
hi layla

please dont leave i dont think your a sh*t mum! i look up to you and i think your great for advice.

so please do leave the forum will not be the same with out you :cry:
Layla you shouldn't feel the need to leave. You are a good mom.
Oh Layla i'm sorry you feel like this :( but i can understand it as a mum who does most things that are against the norm myself :? !. as you say you have just raised you babes by instinct and isnt that what mums do? whether your instint tells you to go by the book or to do your own thing its all mothers instinct and its all good. looks like your instinct hasnt steered you wrong yet hun so be proud! as Kx said you should be commended!

i hope you change your mind but if your mind is set then i wish you all the best with your pregnancy and wish you and your family well.

em xxxxx
As I said before I hope you stay, but if your mind is made up then I wish you all the best. The forum will not be the same without youm who else is going to talk about festivals with me.
Layla keep in touch on the budgie forum. :)
there is no right and wrong with parenting and even the goody goodies change their minds things i was told to do with kie r wrong now and things i would never have done with kie r right now so best thing is do what u feel best and ignore all the ones who quote the so called bible
there is always some who think they are mother superior!
no such thing we all make mistakes and hopefully learn by there is no perfect child except mine :wink:
Can we not turn this into a thread slagging off other members?

Everyone here has their own views, it would be a very boring place if we all had exactly the same parenting style. If you don't like what someone else says we are all perfectly capable of ignoring it.

Layla, I'm sorry you are going, I like you and I will miss you.
i did'nt think i had ever even mentioned anyone as far as i am aware every comment i made was general i have been a mum for nearly 15 years and was speeking from experience
Urchin's comment was a general one, not directed to anyone in particular.
and it starts again the rate its goin i think ill go the same way as layla
:shock: :shock: :shock:

what on earth is going on :(

don't go layla, it's not the same with everyone leaving :wall: I wanna see how your pregnancy and everything goes!!!

argh :doh: xxxxxxxx
Layla don't go, I never got to confess my love for you :wink:

I need another Emo around the place :D

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