Another mattress question sorry!


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2008
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Morning ladies and bumps

I have finally found the crib I have fallen in love with ; ... id=1030281

My question is with regards to the mattress, this crib does come with a mattress but I posted a while back about the sleep curve mattress which is designed to prevent flat head syndrome and helps keep babies airway open. The design of this mattress has a dip for the babies head but I was thinking this must mean that baby isn't put down in the feet to foot position as baby must have their head in the dip. I hope this is making some sense through my ramblings!!!! Is the feet to foot rule to be used in cribs or is this just for cots?

This is the sleep curve mattress website if anyboby is interested;

Now I don't know whether to go for the sleep curve mattress but will worry about the feet to foot or put baby to sleep on the mattress it comes with and worry about flat head syndrome! I am just a big worry!

Thanks for reading
Beautiful crib :D

I would do the laying your LO with their feet at the base just because I've heard that guideline more. It might be worth contacting sleepcurve and asking why they don't promote putting LO at the foot of the crib to see what they say :D
The feet to foot rule still applies hun, whether it be a moses basket, crib or cot, as long as you are using sheets and blankets for baby's bedding. Its basically so baby doesnt wriggle down under the sheets and pull them up over their head. There is a simple way round this, if you wanna use the sleepcurve mattress and that is to use baby sleeping bags as their bedding. That way they cant wriggle under the sheets and you can place them anywhere on the mattress you like, so would be able to use the dip in the mattress. Does that make sense? :think: :D

Having said that, you could just save some money and use the mattress that comes with the crib. TBH flat head syndrome is pretty rare (and correctable) and as long as you give baby plenty of time in different positions and not always lay the same way, they will probably be fine. Its your decision though chick. Good luck! x :hug: :hug: :hug:
Lovely crib, i know as much as u about matress's though...

Just wondering is there a reason you are getting a crib and not a cot? Just wondering cause that one is pricey...

:hug: :hug:
Thanks ladies, I am really struggling to make firm decisions at the moment!!

Steelgoddess - we are having a crib instead of a moses basket, I agree it is expensive. I always wanted a crib and had been looking at some which were nice but I just love this one and it does come with all the bedding (that's how I am justifying it!)
Tilly said:
Thanks ladies, I am really struggling to make firm decisions at the moment!!

Steelgoddess - we are having a crib instead of a moses basket, I agree it is expensive. I always wanted a crib and had been looking at some which were nice but I just love this one and it does come with all the bedding (that's how I am justifying it!)

Oh ok, either way im sure baby will love it...

Don't worry took me half a year to decide what pram to buy mine lol!! Decisions Decisions eh?!

We used a sleeping bag from birth so never had to worry about feet to foot. Its only with blankets and sheets you need to do that. Most sleeping bags are not meant for use from birth unless past a certain weight. So if you go with this option then be sure to get ones that will cover the first few weeks of baby weight if not near the usual weight for sleeping bags which is 10lb and upwards. Some start from 7lb ish upwards.

FWIW you may find your LO doesn't get much use out of a crib. Same with a Moses basket. Mine was only in his for 6 weeks before needing to go into a cot. He was big from birth and just kept growing :lol: Also once he took to sleeping in the basket he liked to throw his arms out to the side and they kept hitting the sides and disturbing him. It was easier to give him room to sprawl out with his arms.

Also babies do like to be held and cuddled lots the first few weeks and going into any bed type thing might not happen and you may find LO sleeping on you most of the time. So be sure you can justify the expense for what might only be a couple of months actual use.

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