Another day, another hospital visit

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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having to go a fair bit at the mo as they are checking my BP constantly :roll:

today though, i had my final scan! i've had scans every 4 weeks throughout my pregnancy due to bloood results at 12 weeks. and i got the final all clear, baby is looking great and i'm so thrilled! :yay: when i think back it was horrible in the first 20 weeks and i genuinley feel so happy and grateful that all turned out well (so far!)

at the scan i was cheeky and asked whether he knows how likely it is baby will arrive before sunday..he said he doesn't know :roll: so that was a little annoying. BUT what he did say was, baby is 7lb and 6oz!!! :shock: i'm really shocked!! i thought he was much smaller than that as only a few weeks back he was under 5lb! if i went all the way i could potentially have a 8-9lb'er. anyway, its a good weight ahead of sundays induction :)

finally, my friend got me 25% off my bugaboo today :) i've finally ordered it and we are picking it up tonight. she works for a well know departments store so got it down from £839 to £630!!!

i couldn't get the icandy i wanted (strawberry) as its not out yet so i unashamedly copied Princess and got the bugaboo all black special edition, so looking forward to getting it home later :)

Yay baby is well and u r all set for sunday. Fab news!!! I remember all that u went through in the first 20 weeks....not glad u got the all clear! Xxx
aw thanks hunny, you girls have been amazing though and there were a few of us going through similar things, made it so much easier at the time. so nice to get a final all clear though :cloud9: xx
Gosh ur lucky u got your buggy that quickly!

It's amazing how something that sounded so so terrible all that time ago can end up ok :) back then i thought NEVER again but now I think I want number 2 lol!

Yay to baby pos!

Glad all is going well lovely. Baby is a great size Xx
Yayyy! Glad all is well Pos. Ohhh you going to have a lovely sized baby!

You did well to get that bugaboo so quickly too! I have to wait 12 weeks for my pram! x
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Glad all is well hun! Great weight too :) So exciting for sunday :dance::dance:
well i know someone who works for harrods as well and they were gonna get me it with discount, harrods called and said it will be available in February :shock: but this other department store (my fave shop!) had them in stock!!!

pinky, just to say, ur support during that time was fantastic! so glad it turned out well for us all :love: :hugs: xx
So glad it went well hun. I remember your first 2 trimesters and you had a lot to go through :hug: Now he's nearly here :love: That's a really good weight too!

Glad you got your buggy sorted :D

Oh well done Pos great news. All set now with your new buggy too :)
OMG! Sunday? :shock:

Thats' crazy! Glad everything is alright with your little lad xx
OMG! Sunday? :shock:

Thats' crazy! Glad everything is alright with your little lad xx

thank you louise! i know, it only feels like yesterday i got my bfp! it really has flown! hope ur well hunny, love the pic!! :) xxxx
Brilliant news, wishing you all the best hun.
Hopefully our LO's arrive soon!

I probably would have asked him the same question, I'm always asking 'unanswerable' questions in hope that I get some information :lol: I wish we knew exactly when our babies are going to arrive but I guess that would ruin the surprise :p xxx
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Thanks tiff! Yep it would be good to know. Just woke up with stomach cramps..but think I just needed a no. 2 coz not had anymore since I went to the loo :blush: xx
Ahah oh bloody hell!
The same happened to me the other day, was feeling crampy but I just needed the loo :roll:
I'm off to bed in a minute, another day has flown by! xxx

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