Announcing your bfp

Awww they are amazing lol! I would love to do something like that, but i'll just be too excited that I can't wait!

I was really unromantic when I got my BFP in June lol, I just handed OH my peed on stick hehe :lol:
It really did take him about 2 minutes to realise what it was ... he was like ... eh... whats this? :wall: :wall:

Then about 5 minutes later I rang my mum lol :rotfl:

I think I will have to plan something more exciting for next time!
KittyMom said:
Awww they are amazing lol! I would love to do something like that, but i'll just be too excited that I can't wait!

I was really unromantic when I got my BFP in June lol, I just handed OH my peed on stick hehe :lol:
It really did take him about 2 minutes to realise what it was ... he was like ... eh... whats this? :wall: :wall:

Then about 5 minutes later I rang my mum lol :rotfl:

I think I will have to plan something more exciting for next time!

What about buying one of these to have in the house? I think its so cute!! ... .m14.l1318
Awwwwwwww ...

That is such a Good Idea!

I think I'm definately going to get something like that, plus I'll look for ones that maybe say something to do with GrandParents on too!

Thanks Hun :cheer:
I cant wait till we become pregnant, I dont want to do test with him around, coz I wana be able to wind him up but not sure how yet!!
they are fab i had tears in my eyes!!

when i get pregnant again, we are going to copy an idea from maybebaby :cheer: and get my DS a teashirt with only child - older brother on the front (with only child crossed out) and see how long it takes the grandparents to notice!! i am so excited about that!! :cheer:

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