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Angel Won't Eat!


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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For the passed 3 or 4 days she has slowly gotten less and less appetite to the point where tonight she refused to even open her mouth! I took her to the doctors yesterday as she has a really bad cough and also because her food consumption is lower but the doctor seems to think there is nothing wrong with her.
I have tried her tonight on tuna lasagne but she just won't have it. I refuse to give her a yogurt if that's what she'll prefer.
I even gave her a rice cake instead but she just won't feed herself. She picks up the food, looks disgusted and it goes straight on the floor. She screamed at her porridge for breakfast.
I'm bothered about it affecting her weight gain coz it has been brilliant all the time.

I don't know what to do! She already decided she didn't want tea before she had a taste!
She might have a bit of a bug and be off her food or maybe the cough has hurt her throat and she doesn't want to swallow solids atm. I'm sure she'll be fine but if you're worried I'd take her back to the doctors, maybe see a different dr and get a second opinion :hug: :hug:
Im not sure what advice to offer apart from maybe shes just feeling under the weather. I would just make sure she is having plenty of milk. I would give it few days and see how she is then and if shes still not right take her back to the docs.
Logan went off his food (milk) last week when he had a cold, but it came back after about 4 days.

After about 15 mins she was routing for boob so i guess i'll just leave her on that for now. I've tried and failed so i'll leave her off solids for a couple of days.
"under 1, its just for fun"

if she's not bothered about food atm, just stick with boob until she's hungry for solids again. she's still getting the vast majority of her nutrition from milk anyway :D
Post subject: Re: Angel Won't Eat!

After about 15 mins she was routing for boob so i guess i'll just leave her on that for now. I've tried and failed so i'll leave her off solids for a couple of days.

you havent failed at all hun :hug: :hug: youve tried and thats what counts.when caden had his cold he didnt eat solids for about 4 days as his throat was sore and all the snot was making it hard. :puke: have you tried speaking to your HV?have you given her any calpol or anything?i did in theend as poor man was just suffering.
I spoke to HV on tuesday and she said to see a GP. GP said she's fine and looks happy. But she has this cough (which is apparently nothing) that she's struggling with. It goes on for ages til she gasps for breath, her eyes are red, she's sick and screaming! But apparently she's fine. Tried cough medicine and calpol and neither make a difference.
the lack of eating is probably down to the cold. cally was ill last week and lost her appetite so was on mainly boob, yet today she has just scoffed everyhting on sight. hope she is better soon.
Lil miss has had the most awful cough the past couple of weeks and has been off her food... She eats just not much.. although shes boob boob boob boob all the time. Just give her boob and not worry too much.. fluids are the most important thing. A human can survive months without food, but only a few days without fluids... boob juice is both. She may loose weight, but they do anyway at this age. Lil miss has but shes fit and healthy otherwise.

Like angel shes fine in herself and in general its just this cough. :roll:
Kyla was like this last week and only had a few mouthfuls of food a day for a week and for 2 of those she ate nothing. She had a cough and bad chest to the doc gave her antibotics and she said as long as shes drinking, if she stops then to go back down straight. Kyla still has forumal so at least she was getting some vitamins from that, same as breastmilk.

As soon as she stopped the antibotics her appetite came back and she started eating loads.

Hope she'll feel better soon, see a different doctor if your worried hun. :hug:
Im going through exactly the same thing with kyran at the mo. hes got a terrible cough and snotty nose but since he started nursery at 6months hes pretty much had one permanently. hes hardly eaten a thing since saturday. he refuses lunch and tea as soon as he sees the spoon. Im hoping it will pass as hes having milk poos again and they're rank!!! :puke:

He will except yoghurt though but like you im a bit reluctant to give it to him incase it makes the food problem worse. two weeks ago was the first time he started excepting lumpy food, im worried we are going to go back to stage one again now :doh: :shakehead:

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