And the bloody coil saga continues..


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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So pissed off!

A while back, November time, I posted about going to the Doctors to have my coil removed because I don't particularly like it, kept losing the threads etc etc. She wouldn't take it out but located the threads which were tucked up inside my cervix. She said to leave it and see how I feel in another month (Bearing in mind I've had it in since April '08).

So, I went back earlier this month when Ella was poorly and requested again to have it removed because I'd lost the threads again, and was just sick of it. The Doc I saw that day (My usual) said he isn't qualified to remove them so had to make another appointment. So made one for today to finally remove it and guess what....?

It's bloody lost!! :wall: I can't friggin' believe it!! FFS! I've got to have a scan to locate it. I know it's just one of those things, but I asked for it to be removed 2 months ago and the woman refused to do it, point blank because apparently 7 months isn't long enough to make up your could have been done there and then but now I have to go through all this..

Sorry for the rant..just feeling pissed off.. :(
I went for a scan to find mine too when it 'pierced me'... but due to my situation they had to remove it as a priority the next day.
I can imagine how you feel though, it's sort of invasive when you've got something floating around inside that you don't want there, but you have no control over removing it.

Hope you manage to get it removed soon. I guess if all else fails you could claim significant stomach pain, that might hurry them up.

:hug: :hug:
Thanks for your reply, hun. Sorry you had shit time with it aswell! It's freaking me out having it in there :evil:

I'm getting mega confused now, though. She said 'I'm pretty sure it hasn't fallen out because you would have got your period by now,' (Only spotting) then as soon as I got home I found I was bleeding :S I think she must have caught me with one of her scary looking tools because it's not heavy. I guess the scan will tell! I'm just going to try and forget about it for now :(
Oh no! That sounds scary, I hope you can get it removed soon. They should have taken it out when you first asked :hug: :hug:
Poppy - I take it this is the mirena? I hated mine and I can totally understand why you want it out!!

They said the same to me - it was "lost" - I was going to have to go for a scan but luckily for me I went back for one last chance with a lady doctor and she got me to push my fists into my bum (I hope that makes sense) to lift my pelvis and she managed to fish it out!! If it takes a while for your scan to come through I would ask them to have another go......

On the positive side I started to feel better the minute the bloody thing was removed!!

Good luck

Jane x
Thanks for the replies, girls.

Reallyoldmum - Yeah, it is the Mirena :| I really don't like it :( I'm going to go back to the Docs tomorrow to have a chat because I'm still bleeding, but it's heavier than when I first posted. It's like a period, which makes me think maybe it's not lost but surely I would have noticed if it had come out? I'll see if the Doc can have another look!

ETA: I've not had a period since having it fitted in May last year, just spotting now and then.
I have a Mirena and am having mine removed on Wednesday... I've had it in for 18 months and before that I had the copper coil for a year which made me bleed so heavily and for so long I got anaemic. Since I have had them put in I have also put on lots of weight and often have awful spots on my face, and my sex drive has disappeared so I am putting it down to the coils and hoping once it is removed I will feel normal again :pray:
Actually it's going to feel really good to have normal periods and hopefully sex drive back.
Has anyone else put on weight, got bad skin, low sex drive since having Mirena?
HappyAlice, I've heard the coil makes you put on weight. I definately have, but then I was taking Anti D's at the same time and they make you put on weight too. I've managed to lose 6lbs since coming off the tablets so I'm not sure if the Mirena has affected my weight :think: I think the hormones in it result in bad skin etc so it could be to blame. When I spoke to the Doc in November she said it's not possible for the coil to affect you in that way but I disagree...But the GP's around here are very 'pro coil' apparently.
loss of sex drive, weight gain and the worst thing I had was thrush - every 4 or 5 weeks - it was unbelievable.... It took me ages to convince the doctors to take it out too!!

Jane x

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