And so it begins

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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I'm holding Mamafy personally responsible for this because she did the traditions thread (where's the bat)

I have started to make my christmas cake. All the fruit and peel is currently "soaking" in brandy :whistle:

Rest of the cake to be done tomorrow morning and then more and more booze added up unti I ice it :roll:.

I have also lit a spiced apple and cranberry candle whilst doing this. Christmas has already begun in Princess' Palace :rofl:

I also have my stuff for: Choc roulade, sherry trifle and mince pies.

I have also started browsing pressies online. THIS IS NOT LIKE ME AT ALL. :)

The cat's lucky he doesn't have a santa hat on :lol:
I wish I could cook things like that!! The only thing I've started is pressie shopping!! Well done for getting started!! :D
Ah I usually make our christams cakes but Im not this year but now regretting it....hmmmmm have I got time to get soaking I
I'm just looking forward to being able to eat cake by then :lol:
Hmmm theres apoint Vix....maybe I should give it a miss this year with the Gest diabetes looming! Oh well was a nice thought....I can even smell them baking yum yum lol xxx

Look what I'm condering buying as I won't really have time to bake soon

Ahhha thats looks fab!! Im not convinced with them tho DD got a donut maker similar and all the batter sticks everywhere but might be different with cakes as in cases!! Worth a try I think xx
Its brevil it should be good and sooo much easier if it works good luck and let me know how it goes!! xxx
I will! :) Jacob loves cake and I wont have the time to sit there constantly baking lol and not all shop bought ones taste good :(
Phase 2 commencing this morning.
ps: I'm not one of these natural good cooks or bakers, I just follow the recipes and bobs you're uncle :lol:
:rofl: I just tend to guess and hope it works.....Wilma's the one to ask if you want a good cake recipe though ;)
OoOO home made Christmas cake is the BEST .. my Nan has always made a Christmas cake .. she soaks the fruit for months before shes going to make it .. knocks your socks off haha
Well said cake is in the oven. I did it with my own "twist" :rolleyes: more by mistake really, so we'll see how it turns out. About another 3 hours to go.

I note that Mamafy has yet to comment on here. I wonder if she's hiding :lol:
ive been told not to lift a finger this christmas lol
Mmm Princess, I bet your house smells lovely! Fruit and peel and brandy... nom nom nom
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