And its goodnight and goodbye from me!

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
Hi all :wave:

As some of you may have remembered i post couple weeks ago saying i was going to be moving shortly and wasnt going to have any internet access really. :(
Well my OH phoned me at lunchtime and asked what i was doing this weekend i replied being lazy as you do, :lol:

So he said oh no your not your packing cos we are moving this weekend i just started laughing saying very funny and he said he had known earlier this week it was all ready (2 weeks before we were meant to move in) but decided not to tell me till today, so we can can slowly move in over the weekend, so this is my last night really on here, as we will be so busy sorting stuff and moving. :D

I am really really happy (slightly annoyed he didnt tell me before) and cant wait to get in there and sort it all out, iv told him im having it how i want it he just agreed lol :lol:

I will still be coming on monday to the meet im not missing that for the world im sure OH can sort it out on his own for a day. I will try to pop on here to sort the arrangements out for mon on sunday night.

If anyone would like my number to keep in touch as i proberly wont be around this weekend then PM sarah&Braydon, who will pass on my number.

Finally a huge thank you to all the mods for this forum it has been such a great support to me and you do a fantastic job on here. :hug:

Also huge thank you to you all for all the kind words and advice you have given me i wouldnt have survived without you all your all fantastic and i want to wish you all huge luck ttc, or with pregnancy and look after your little ones.

I will of course be keeping you up to date with chloe, and pics when she is here, via Jo, (happychick), who is my buddy.

I love you all so much and will try to pop on if i ever can every now and then. :hug: :hug:

So bye, and il see some of you on monday. :wave: :wave:
aww good luck with the move and that hunni and have a good weekend
try and keep in touch aswell

Good Luck for the move hun, I hope you are very happy in your new home.....miss you already :(

Speak soon though :wave: :hug:
good luck with the move...will give you a text next week see how things are going

enjoy your new home and try not to do too much..easier said than done i know

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww... :cry: Take care Tracy...hope you are back online before you pop... If not, we are about the same gestation, so I will think of you..

Have fun unpacking...and making someones new nursery very special :hug:
Good luck with the move hun. I'll text you on Sunday with some train times :hug:
Ah hun all the best of luck for moving please take it easy and do it at a slow pace speak very soon

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh I hope you come back soon, we think you are brill! Enjoy your new place :hug: :hug: :cheer:
:wave: bye hun, good luck with the move. look after chloe :hug:
I will call you soon.... and YES you would be very welcome to come up to scotland for a wee holiday when our babies are here... I'll sort out a bed etc for you at our house.

Good luck in your move and new life..

lots of best wishes love and happiness to you and yours... Yvonne xx
Good luck honey, ill miss you very much! Take care of urself & ur family and ill speak 2 u soon :hug: :hug: xxxxx
Good luck with the move and have a great time on Monday! :cheer:

See you back here soon! :wave: :hug:
thank you all. :D
just popped on for chat tonight for london meet,

missing you all already, and we have started to settle in a bit and hoping to go back later to stay for our first night. yay :cheer:

having arguments bout where tv is going so far, but as usual il get my own way. :hug: :hug:

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