amy has gone off her food and other stuff lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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well amy has a tooth on top and a tooth on bottom although there not really bothering her when they coming in i have noticed shes gone off her food or doesnt like spoon or jars anymore shell eat if i give her a chip or a rusk or biscuit or wat ever i eat she can hold on to if she goes to her nanas she has something to eat there and eat it all but she wont eat it off me for some reason but give her it off the plate what we have shell eat im stuck lol im worried she not getting what she needs shes on cows milk i put drops in 1 a day it says on the bottle ive told health visitor and docs but they dont say anything they say im paranoid about it but she normally does have a gud appeitite to, ive also notice that she head bangs the mattress which she thinks is funny but im scared case she does it to the cot side she stands in here cot hold on to the side and sort of swings back and forth if you know what i mean shes huffy to if you say no to her if she goes near the plug shell roll on her belly and pull her legs to her chest with her arms under her head having a right paddy lol she gets huffy sitting in her pushchair when we go shopping coz she wants to walk or crawl she cant walk yet although shes trying too.and 10 months the docs rekons she very advanced for her age after examining her and do very well with out encouragement from other children as doc sed thats how babies advance by learning off each other i think it cute she told the doc she wanted nappy change she was sitting on the floor and tapped her nappy with both hands to let us know it need changed, opened it up and she done a doodoo and weewee tmi when she wants milk shell say M shes also leant to say nana today to as mama is nice and clear or shell cll me emmamama sorry its long too :)

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