Amusing a 3 month old


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Charlotte is having a phase where she is quite moany during the day. She used to love lying on her play mat and i would vary her being on there and her swing and watching me on her bouncer. Anyway last few days she doesn't seem to be content as often and i am just wondering is this likely to be phase, is she just getting bored and unable to play with toys yet??

Any other ideas on hpw to amuse her without walking around with her constantly? :)
Do you give her tummy time? My DD loves this and would happily stay on her tummy playing with some soft squishy toys and rattles for ages!

Valentine Xxx
It may be she just wants to spend time with you, have you thought about a baby sling? Just talk to her about what you're doing as you do it, try her with the TV remote or your mobile phone if you have them, LO's tend to love them :lol: Have you a baby walker? If you can pad her in safely, she may love that, being stood 'alone', very best wishes :hug:
Is she teething and is moaning because her gums are sore?
Thanks for you replies! I think she just gets bored easily, and also resists sleep so gets overtired in the day! She has just started aleeping through though :cheer: so i am trying to get into a different daytime routine
Sounds familiar. My LO used to lay for ages on her mat by herself etc but now just wants to do all the things she can't do by herself like sitting, being carried around looking at things :wall: She has also started teething which is making her miserable. I'm going to try a bouncer you hang in the doorway. She likes to be on her feet.
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