America's Next Top Model

Mrs. KM

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
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Do you guys get this in th uk? This season is Americans vs Brits!
I watch it, I've just been watching the "all stars" season. I don't know what it was about Lisa but I didn't find her that good looking???
Tyra gets on my nerves at times but I love miss J and Nigel Barker is sexy!
Can't stand Twiggy, she's such a stiff, they need to get rid of her!
I liked it when they had Janice Dickenson on it, apparently her and tyra had a big fall out and she was sacked! x
I'm watching the all stars one just now & actually quite like it! I agree about Lisa, but wanted Laura to win as she was so cute but stunning at the same time!

I think Lisa had a funny mouth and looked quite old and a bit harsh???? What would I know ;) x
Kelly Catrone is the new judge! Love her! She doesn't hold back at all! All the uk girls have been on previous uk's next top model cycles.
I watch the current season online! Bitchiest one ever! Some of those girls need a reality check though!
I wanted laura to win. Cant believe lisa won :( xx

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I didn't like Lisa either, she had a right old looking face and I found her SO ANNOYING! Laura was adorable wasn't she - I wonder what happened with Angelea though.

Cosmic - have you seen the pics of Nigel when he was younger with his dark curly hair? I never noticed he was good looking sitting there with his bald head, got a right shock when I saw his model pics, gorgeous!

When is the new season coming here then does anyone know?
Its such a great reality show. I normally watch this show on every Saturday online on And I simply like this show so very much.

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