Am supposed to be a bridesmaid in July....


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Feb 18, 2009
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when I'll be 6 months pregnant :pray: . I've just told the bride even though I'm only 5 weeks because I wanted to give her as much time to think about it as possible. She said she was pleased for me, but I don't know.... I told her that if she didn't want a heifer following her down the aisle I completely understood and asked her to take the weekend to think about it and give me a call.

I had called the dress shop and they can order a bigger dress but its up to her....

Feel really bad.
My goodness you are a worrier!!!

There are such things as maternity dresses hon I'm SURE the shop can accommodate your bump.
I wonder what the bride will say. I'm sure she'll still want you.

Don't feel bad :hug:
I know, I am worrying, its kind of overshadowing things today. I was in a fantastic mood this morning and feel a bit low now.

Will go for a walk at lunchtime, that might clear my head a little.
Good idea. Might make you a little brighter.

Hon there are PLENTY of places who do maternity wedding dresses, a bridesmaid's dress will not be a problem. Just stop thinking so much. Be happy, you're pregnant :D :cheer:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im gonna be 37 weeks when i walk down the aisle and my maid of honur/chief bridesmaid will be 39 weeks gone lol.

How brave are we??? I am having difficulty finding a reasonably priced maternity bridesmaid dress for her though,they either too cheap and nasty or more expensive than my dress lol.
Good for you both Vickie!

The problem is that she had a very specific dress colour in mind and it took us ages to find the shop to sell them. I guess I wait and see what she wants to do.
babyfulton said:
Good for you both Vickie!

The problem is that she had a very specific dress colour in mind and it took us ages to find the shop to sell them. I guess I wait and see what she wants to do.

Oh im sure it wont be a problem for her to adjust your dress,i was 7 months pregnant at my mums second wedding and the dressmaker did mine for me no probs.But with the dresses im getting im getting actual maternity ones where they seem to realise they can up the prices as there isnt much choice about.
Bless ya, I'm a bit of a worrier too so i'd be the same, but you definately shouldn't let it get you down :hug:

I have a friend who fell pg and was a maid of honour, she was 6 and a half months on the day of the wedding & she had the exact same dress but they took it out slightly where needed & put a panel of material in the back of the same colour material & it looked perfect! I'm sure any good dress maker can sort something out for you chuck!
You wont be a heifer!! Pregnant women look lovely! Don't be silly. If the bride wants you as a bridesmaid being pregnant shouldn't change that.
Oooh, nice! I reckon that's alterable, specially with the extra material in the wrap over bit. Shame it's not empire line, but hey.
you did the right thing telling her. You will look gorgeous on the day, whether she decides to keep you as bridesmaid or not xxxx
Thanks, girls, feel a bit better about it. I was thrilled just to be asked and will be over the moon if she still wants me as her b/m but if she decides not to then I'll be happy just to go and look fabulous in a maternity dress!!
One of my bridesmaids was 8 months pregnant at my wedding (she got married the month before as well)

First off she said she was going to not be a bridesmaid anymore as it was too close.
Luckily, as one of my other bridesmaids was plus size and I wanted a very particular dress for them all (fuschia pink tea length) I went down the made to measure route. Having a father in law who repairs sewing machines came in very handy there as I went to one of his clients who made them half price for £125 each!
still, a few weeks down the line she asked if it was too late to change her mind and I was so happy! She looked beautiful in her dress and certainly not out of place.

At her wedding she just bought a normal wedding dress a couple of sizes bigger and had it altered to fit.

Being pg does not mean you have to look like a frumpy old hag shoved in a corner where noone can see you!

That is my bridesmaids' dress :lol:

Except we had it in the very very pale pink.

If it's any consolation hon their tailors are fab. I had a VERY difficult bridesmaid who managed to get herself ordered a dress that was not one but TWO sizes too big for her. After measuring. She didn't lose any weight, she's just an idiot...

So they had to take the whole dress in two sizes and they only charged me 50 quid for it. I was a bit worried about how it would sit given the huge alterations but they are very good.

Best of luck, let us know what she says!
She called me yesterday and said would I mind if I wasn't a bridesmaid? I don't want to cause her any grief so of course said no, that's fine. She has asked me to do a reading and be a witness as an alternative which is fine by me, and she also pointed out that if it is going to be a hot day then I'll be on my feet a lot she didn't want me to feel uncomfortable, which is fair enough.

So, just need to find a nice maternity dress now!
aww bless her. Must be a hard decision to have to make. Are you ok?
Yes, I'm fine about it, thanks for asking. I think it was hard for her, but it was nice that she still wants me to be a part of the ceremony.
Aw bless her, that must have been quite hard for her to say. But how lovely to give you an even more important part of the ceremony!! You must mean a lot to her :hug:

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