Am I The Only One Who Gets Annoyed?


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2013
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My ex-boyfriend has fled the country, and he has been ignoring Child Maintenance since his first payment (which was late anyway). He had the cheek to moan and moan and sulk for the whole weekend that I put my surname as my daughter's surname on her birth certificate, and now he has fled the country and not paying anything towards her, and quite clearly wants nothing to do with her. I put my surname because deep down I knew he would flee anyway and also he had been abusing me since I was about 29 weeks pregnant. I am in the process of applying for REMO, it is like Child Maintenance but it helps people like me get maintenance from the other parent who live abroad. Has anyone else gone with this? My daughter is nearly 8 months now, such a lovely baby. I just don't understand why some people do things and try and muck my life up and then they bugger off! Sorry for a bit of a rant, just wanting to chat to anyone who has been through a similar situation to me.
Maybe post in relationships for more advice or single mums? I feel for you i dont know how anyone could leave there children, ive not advice but wish you all the luck with chasing some money and with your daughter :) xxx
Omg he abused you, well he didn't just abuse you're abused your daughter, what a waste of space!!! Me personally would t want a penny off him.

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