Am I pregnant?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Helooo, sorry to gate crash just wanted peoples opinions on somthing.
So me n oh have had a few times the past few weeks since my period of doing the pull out method, and a few times when hes not and his baby juice has stayed inside. all in all its been like 2 times baby juice inside and 10+ times of pulling out.
its been just over 2 weeks since my last period and the other day i had horrid stomache ache for about 6 hours, been having headaches, mega grumpy, loads of cm and tiered as hell.
Just wondered what peoples symptoms were they were pregnant if any and if its too soon to tell?
Is it pretty possible to get pregnant from the pull out method still?
whens the best time to do a test, i cant really remember much from when I was ttc with poppy! lol
Hiya! Stomach cramps and cm was a sure sign for me. And yes it's still totally possible with the pull out method that you could be pregnant. Waiting til after your period would be due is the best time to test if you can wait that long x
im pretty sure its possible to get pregnant from teh pull out method due to pre cum etc.

as for symptoms everyones different some people can go without symptoms for the first month or so, When i fell pregnant (unfortunatly I lost it) my major symptom was headaches! no sickness just a constant bad head! :wall2:

Its possible you could be pregnant but at the same time could it be a bug maybe?? if your still having symptoms in a week or so time get testing :) I hope you get the result your after hun :)
Hi sorry for intruding but I would like to get some advice about pregnancy symptoms. I fell pregnant last year and diddnt find out I was until I was 6-7 weeks although my nan and partners mom both knew I was before I did. My symptoms last year were sore breasts and sick a few times although I never actually felt sick and I was always tired. I think I could be again but my symptoms arnt the same I have tender breasts but just the sides and top of them and my stomach feels like I've done alot of crunches which I haven't but it is very achy from top to bottom. I don't feel overly tired or sick or anything like that. But I'm thinking that if I am pregnant now I won't be as far along as last time so could not yet be feeling all the symptoms because I diddnt have a clue last time until my breasts were really sore and bfs mom was asking me. I did have a light bleeding a few weeks ago about 3 days and I have also gone up a cup size. Could someone please give me some advice or tell me what they think please? Thankyou
You could be with all your symptoms, but where in your cycle are you and have you tested?
The month I fell preg (even though was on the pill) OH only never pulled out once - so i was certain this was when I got preg, but at the scan, i was further along than I thought which means i conceived at the beginning of the month, and im *guessing* from pre cum? x So i'd say its possible xx xx
Well I was on the injection and was supposed to go for my top up on the 4th of April last month but diddnt go so I have been unprotected and I dont know were in my cycle I would be. Just had 3 days of a light on and of bleed I diddnt think anything of it until my stomach started aching and boobs started getting tender. I have also noticed today that my nipples look a bit darker and bigger. I have not yet tested either. Don't know wether I should wait to see if the symptoms progress or stay the same. My stomach also feels less achy today aswell yesterday i couldnt bend down to pick something up without it hurting were as today it's just certain movements i can feel it. What would you think in my shoes?

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