I came off the pill after 12 years at the beginning of October last year and have had two regular periods since then. However, this month I am nearly 3 weeks late. The first day of my last period was the 7th December although my husband and I didn't have sex at all that month but we did late November. Is it possible I could be pregnant? I did a test last Wednesday and I thought I could see a very very faint line so the next day I did another and it was negative? Still no period now so did another one yesterday and it was invalid!!! Is it possible I conceived around the time of my last period last month??? I've always been regular as clock work and never had any irregularities ever so you can understand my frustrations as to why I am late this time. We do want a baby so this would be great if I am. My friend thinks I should wait another couple of weeks before going to the doctors but just wondered if anyone else has experienced this??