Hey New To This


Feb 15, 2011
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Hey new to this just wondering if any of u hav been through the same as me, me and my partner have been trying for baby number 2 for 8 month now all my periods hav been regular every 33-34 days neva early or late now i missed my period in jan now am 3 weeks late tomoz ,,, but i am still getting neg test results...i feel pregnant n all the sympyoms are there i had wot i thought was implantation bleeding.. maybe have to face facts maybe theres sumthing else wrong with me ?? x
Hey :wave:

Welcome to PF :)

Don't lose faith my lovely, you could be one of the girls that has low hormone levels & can only be picked up by a blood test, when was the last time you tested?

Maybe get yourself off to the GPs & get them to take bloods for pregnancy testing, as your 3 weeks late with pretty regular cycles shouldn't be a problem

last time i tested was the weekend there trying not to loose faith just want another baby badly lol phone doctor in the morning fingers crossed ...does it take long for the results to come back xx
Keep us posted with how you get on hun :clover: everything crossed it's a shy :bfp:

Tbh the results shouldn't take too long to come back, I've had mine back in a day before so make sure they don't try & fob you off

Welcome :) hope you get the news you want hun. Let us know how you get on, good luck :) x
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hey went to c my gp today and he wouldnt do i blood test ...said there was no need cos am deffo pregnant how can he tell by just looking at me....i think am going to change gps!!!! not happy with him just didnt seem interested xx
:shock: that's a bit strange!! I don't see how he could say that without taking bloods etc. mmmh :eh:
That's wierd hun, don't get that :eh: Have you had a positive pregnancy test yet?

My doc didn't take bloods but I had had positive tests already xxx
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i thought that too he said i will just have too wait till my next period is due 2 weeks still and take anotha test if not then he will do blood test really not happy with himcud be giving me false hope xx
Hmmm I don't get that. So he wants to wait until you've missed 2 periods before he'll do bloods? Is there another doc you can see at the same practice or something? Not fair to keep you waiting like that x
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Defo because why should you wait until you've missed two periods? I think some dr's sound like they literally can't be arsed!
they were the same when i was preg with my 4 yr old son ....god nos y am still with them x
thats so wrong!! your right.. it does seem asif hes not botherd!! what an idiot!!x
my gp said they wont give blood tests until 2 periods missed so its standard practice x
Hiya and welcome to the forum! Really hope you get some answers soon and it is a BFP!!

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