Am I doing enough? HV problems


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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I'm having issues with my health visitors, it's a long story so I won't bore you with it, but just looking to see if anyone knows (or has a view on) my "rights and responsibilities" as a parent.

I told my HV team that I had no faith in them after being mis-informed about a test they wanted James to have done and that i would seek alternative arrangements for HV contact/baby clinic visits.

Spoke to MW who confirmed that I can take James to any baby clinic in peterborough and raise issues/concerns with them (as I would if I took him to my local clinic).

Last week took James to a baby clinic a couple of miles up the road, had him weighed, chatted to HV who wrote positively in his red book and went on my merry way. Plan is to visit this clinic weekly (unless it snows!)

Local HV phoned and tried to book home visit with me, told her I didn't require it and told her my intention to visit alternative clinic weekly - had to confirm name of HV I spoke to at clinic (think it was to prove I went tbh!). She then tried to book James 6-8wk check, told her I would discuss it with HV at new baby clinic and maybe have her do it if she agreed.

Spoke to Dr's surgery next day, they are more than happy to do his 6-8wk check at 8wks and give him his jabs at the same time which to me seems an even better option so will have appt sent out soon.

Health visiting team now have the hump with me (probably not helped by me calling the 1st health visitor a numpty :rotfl: ).

Do you ladies think i have covered all bases with James' healthcare?

I have weekly baby clinic visits planned for weighing/general advice
6-8wk developmental check arranged with GP surgery
Immunisations arranged with GP surgery
James is under the GP for sore bum due to high doses of meds given in hosp. Saw Dr week ago and given steroids, bum checked by MW on Thurs, MW will check again on Tues for improvement and have agreed with GP to take him back next week if still concerned.

I know I'm paranoid and hormonal but don't want them to label me as a bad/incompetent mum because of my anxiety/panic attacks (the Caf form has conveniently been put in James folder so now HV knows I was assessed and I think thats why they been funny with me). Thats why I'm making sure James is seen by a professional at least once a week so they can't say I'm neglecting him or anything.

My moods and mental health have been pretty good since coming out of hozzie but this situation is beginning to make me low and thats the last thing I need right now!

Do you think I've covered all bases or need to do anything else?

Sarah xxx
I would say you have covered everything and you are well within your rights to see a HV that you trust. :hug: :hug: :hug:
You've covered everything and then some!

The HV is not allowed in to your home unless invited - so if they turn up just don't invite them in. I'm glad you've found someone you can trust at the other clinic.
I think you are doing a great job and would say its them that has the problem as you have showed them up for what they are.
You keep doing what you are doing and ignore them. :wink:
What your doing with James seems very much like the only care offered by my area.

MY MW stopped coming at 4 weeks and I have seen my HV twice for for general chats (5 & 7 weeks, 10min max)

We have her 8 week check and jabs booked at the GP surgery done by the GP (along with my post natel check)

I have one more HV visit at 12-16weeks IF I WANT it, basically they will write and then I have to call to arrange.

I was told I can get her weighed at a clinic if I WANT and discuss anything there or call if I needed a home visit but thats all that is on offer unless there are issues.
Sounds brilliant hun :)

FWIW GP's are meant to do babys 6-8 week check anyways. That's when they see you also and check baby's heart, eyes, hearing, reflexes etc. So you booking it via your GP is great. The only thing a HV would do at 6 weeks that your GP normally does not is to weigh and measure length and head circumference. And you can have the HV you are seeing at the clinic you attend do that when you go, so no worries there.

I think you are being sensible and have taken all the steps you need to. It is your right to see a different HV if you are not happy with the one you were allocated. And if James is being seen by HV and GP on a regular basis atm and you are coping then I'd tell your old HV to respect your preference and to leave you be.
Thanks ladies, just needed some reassurance I guess, the HV said at her first visit that she was going to visit me once a week at home til 6wks old then every 2wks after that. There was no mention of me visiting the baby clinic and I felt it was a little OTT and to be honest we just want to be left alone to do things our way (ffs I'm 38yo and have a 11yo child so can't be that naff a Mum!)

I'll continue to stick to my guns and hope they get bored of me lol

Sarah xxx
DebbieM said:
Which clinic are you visiting hun?
Well I'm in Dogsthorpe so my local one is the Acorn Centre (by Welland shops) but thats the one where the health visiting team I'm having issues with is based so we have decided to take James to the Tuesday clinic at Caverstede Children's Centre in Paston which is a little walk away. Caverstede is fab, I did my childcare training under them and it's nursery is a classed as a centre of excellence so I'm kinda getting my feet under the table for when he's old enough to start nursery (I like to be prepared!!!) :rotfl:

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
DebbieM said:
Which clinic are you visiting hun?
Well I'm in Dogsthorpe so my local one is the Acorn Centre (by Welland shops) but thats the one where the health visiting team I'm having issues with is based so we have decided to take James to the Tuesday clinic at Caverstede Children's Centre in Paston which is a little walk away. Caverstede is fab, I did my childcare training under them and it's nursery is a classed as a centre of excellence so I'm kinda getting my feet under the table for when he's old enough to start nursery (I like to be prepared!!!) :rotfl:

Sarah xxx

I've never been to Caverstede yet but was thinking about joining ome of the baby groups there. :D

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