Am I being stupid??

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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I am really upset but dont know if I am being stupid. I walk my dog most evenings at a field just outside my estate. I live in a new estate so still new people moving in all the time.
Well today I walks out of my front door and there is a lad playing football with the small children across the road. As soon as he clocks me he says Bye to the boys and comes over to me and says I am coming for a walk with you, I was to polite to say no as you could tell he wasnt all there so I carried on walking but felt to uncomfortable to go to the field with strange bloke so just walked round the estate in a circle. He walks all the way round with me telling me he loves my baby and how I am a really nice lady!! He asked if I lived on my own, I said no with my husband he then asked if I was home alone which I am as hubby is at work but I said no as I was getting really freaked out. He then put his hand on my bump and said dont tell your husband I did that he will call the police!!!
I just wanted to get home asap as I was getting upset and quite scared. He asked me where I worked and when I finish and told me it was his 16th birthday and how he would like me to come.
When I got back to mine he came right to the front door and wouldnt go I literally had to shut it in his face I was so scared. I forgot to say that he says he will wait for me tomorrow to walk my dog again!!

Now I feel like I cant take my dog out incase he is there and feel slightly scared on my own at home. I am really freaked out by him touching my belly though.

How am I supposed to go out now, I feel like a prisoner in my own home and I really love walking the dog and when the baby is here I want to be able to take them out as well. I rang my husband and he said to drive to the field from now on but I dont want to have to drive out of the estate everytime I go for a walk.

What should I do, am I being over the top???
no you are not being over the top that would really scare me..
i'm trying to think what i would do- do you know where he lives?
maybe if you chatted to his mum and mentioned it you could find out more or get her to ask him to leave you alone??
perhaps he is just harmless with learning difficulties or something but
i can understand you feeling worried..

maybe your OH could have a chat to him and explain that he doesn't want strangers walking the dog with you or something?
i'm sorry i don't know what else to suggest :hug:
:hug: :hug: He sounds weird!!!!!!

If hes only just turning 16 he might still be in school or college so I would just walk a bit earlyer or like your husband said drive to some fields a bit further away. Such a strange guy touching your bump. Just be really careful and take care. Could you and your husband walk the dog together or a friend?
Thanks Fran,
He did tell me where he lived but I wouldnt know what to say. I wish I had just said no your not coming for a walk with me but I didnt want to upset him
eeek what a situation.

I used to know a boy who sounds just like that. He was so friendly but didnt know anything about stranger danger or boundaries or anything.

Do you know where he lives? Perhaps have a word with his parents? Or if you dont know how about having a word with your beat bobby/PCSO/Neighborhood Wardens? They will more than likely know him and might let his parents know.
i think i would have felt nervous of saying no sounds like he didn't give you much of a choice to be honest!
maybe just walk the dog if you don't see him around and you feel safe..and if you don't then drive- i know you dont want to do that but for now it might be an option, you don't want to feel housebound by him!

i think if your OH sees him around maybe he should have a friendly word and explain why its frightening for a pregnant woman to be approached by a stranger etc..

i hope it gets sorted out x
I would deffo go and have a chat with his parenst! :hug:
I think speaking to the parents is a good idea. I'm sure they will understand :hug:

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