Am I being stoopid?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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I read what you ladies are saying about your babies you know what each body part is, what position they are in and so forth.
I havent a clue about mine!! :?
All I feel and see are "pokes", dunno what bits they are, and never know how baby is bump is just a round belly to me.
How do I tell whats what? Is it just experience?
if i stand up & lean back a little bit, i can see exactly where he's led! it's really cool :)
I'm the same, can never tell what part is giving me a good old kick in the guts!! Although I can feel their head, well that's what I think it is when they poke their body up.
Nope not stupid, i feel the same. I feel movements all over the place, They surely cant all be hads feet unless she is constantly spinning around
I posted about two weeks ago saying i hink baby is head down, i was right, when i had my 4D i asked and she has her head right down there for the off and her feet are underneath my ribs on the left. i find i get movement a little lower than that where her hands are and they feel totaly different, her feet are quite strong movements and can really hurt, whereas her hands normally tickle my belly button area :)
Hun I never really know either and she is my forth hahahaha
I guessed she was transverse as I had a big hard lump sideways across my tum, then I guessed she was either head up or head down lol! ( :lol: ) as I could feel the hard lump down one side and she was booting my ribs!
this is my 5th and still can't tell what bit is what lol
I had a scan last week and they said baby was still breech so I just guess that low movements are his feet and high movements are his hands (but some days it's as if he's doing the Hokey Cokey anyways so I have no chance of working it out!!!)

Sarah xxx
i cant tell where baby is laying, when i went for my 4d scan they said the baby was breech at the moment i think i can make out a head shape if i lay on my back and lift my head and shoulders lol it looks wierd.
I can tell where the back is but other than that I have no idea which end is head and which is bum! Today the midwife has written "Oblique" about baby's position which I know means baby is laying diagonally across rather than up/down or across but who knows about anything else!
Funnily enough when my scan the other day and the MW appt before that and he was breech, i sort of knew as i had been feeling totally different movements, more like he was kicking me in the muff :oops:

I feel him move round when turning, and then when he is head down he kicks under my ribs - the days with more movements.

I can also feel and sometimes see either 2-3 inch bits, or tiny little bits which i guess are either hands or feet

ETA - Havea look here
And I thought I was the only one who doesn't know which part kicks where. Usually I feel more movements low down towards my pelvis and cervix than higher up, but whether that's hands, feet or other pieces of Horatio's anatomy I don't know.
Don't feel stupid, I've never known which parts are poking me and kicking me until recently when the M/W told me how they were lying and pointed out body parts. Maybe ask your M/W to show you next time you see her?

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