Am I being silly?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Hi guys, I took a pregnancy test today as my boobs have been killing me! It was a test from boots, boots own, £4.99 for two.

The test reads as positive but I'm now worried that I may have wee'd on it wrong and worried it has given a wrong result - the main reason for feeling this is that when I wee'd on it, some of the urine hit the display window, could this give a wrong result or am i being stupid???
Glad it had 2 tests in it as I am going to do another one in the morning! :lol:

Also, if I am pregnant, because I dont know when my period was due, due to being on the coil, will the doctor be able to find out? if so how?. I am also worried as when I was pregnant for jack I had to have the injection (cant remember its name) when I had a bleed due to being rhesus negative, could this have an affect on the pregnancy?

If I am definitely pregnant - Woo-Hoo!!! :dance:
you can't make a positive appear other than by being pregnant :D

so congratulations :D

they will eventually be able to work out when you're due - although probably not straight away - you'll probably have to wait for a scan to be absolutely sure
yey! you made me smile and get all excited - isn't it stupid the stress we put ourselves through.

The family planning nurse took a test a few weeks ago, maybe3, and it was negative. The only thing is I noticed I have put on a bit of weight? :think:
Guess I will find out soon enough.

will prob still do the test in the morning :rotfl:
As libs said you can't make a positive appear other than by being pregnant. :cheer: Congratulations. If you want to do another test (I would but i am POAS addict :oops: ) and worried about weeing wrong why not wee into a clean container and then dip test into this. (check instructions for times)

:dance: :dance:
I'd still do the test in the morning too :oops:
hi AJ, yes I was thinking of doing it this way, I guess i just want to feel like its really happening! silly isn't it!
:wave: No it is not silly, When I got BFP last week I was asking myself loads of questions like did I take test correct, Did I really see 2 lines. Even though I felt pregnant (sounds strange and hard to explain) I still was in shock when I saw lines could not believe that it was happening.
Congratulations hunnie!! A BFP only happens when you are PG!!!
let us know how you get on with ur test in morning!!! Congrats xx
sorry about being dim but what does BFP stand for? :oops:
Thanks, cool - I like it!

Oh and thanks for all your congrats!!! :wave: :D
will let you know how the testing goes in the morning!
well. tested again this morning.......

BFP!!!!!! :cheer: :dance:
Congratulations!!!! I knew you would be! ha ha... Good luck xxx

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