Am I being out of line?!

O MY GOD!!!! as if she asked surely she knows ur only aloud ppl in there anyway. and as if u'd want ur MIL 2 be anywhere near ur fuffe lol!!! i'll be wary about my mum seeing it never mind my MIL!!!!
who the hyell does she think she is?? strange lady.
I don't think you're out of line hun, it's your decision who you want at the birth and you're OH should accept that too.
At the minute I'm only having my OH at the birth because my mum passed away a year ago and haven't really got any other female relatives to give me support :( want to ask my friend but I'm really not sure.
Hope this advice helps hun
Its soooo wrong her being there, and that she asked! so weird!
NO WAY JOSE!! Oh my God! I can't believe it, I feel for you so bad! Dont feel bad about saying no, its YOUR birth! No no no no no! xxx :hug:
I don't think you're out of line at all honey, its your decision, you're right to stand your ground. I hope it doesn't cause any grief between you and OH x
blimey, I can't believe she even asked to be honest!
You are not out of line at all! I get on well with my MIL but still would not want her there! I cant get over her ASKING your OH to ask you - the cheek of it! x
not out of order saying no at all...

... my mother asked if I wanted her to be my 2nd birthing partner.... she politely got told that I was sure DH could cope with the responsibily of helping me bring his child into the world on his own... :shock:

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