Am i being nasty, selfish or what

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Ok i havent smoked now since last week of march, and i really have felt so much better for it..

Now my hubby smokes, but, recently we havent the money to buy cigs for him, we could but that would mean the kids go without the likes of milk or bread in the week.. many of you will probably be wondering why like, well my mum takes control of our finances and we only get a allowance per week, which is so much better, cos i know im not squandering all our money away on crap...

Anyway today, he says, bearing in mind we only have £4 left and that has to last untill friday, can i have some cigs? im like no, what if we need milk etc in the week, :wall: he goes off his head at me, and says i stress him out and that is why he smokes.. surely im not that bad, i dont argue with him like we used to, all down to me not smoking everything about me has changed lol.. but do u think im being mean, should i give in and get him some cigs, or do i hope he gets the message and he can quit along with me, i hope he does cos then we will have 2 smoke free parents instead of you..

sorry its a rant, what would you do..

i know its gonna be hard for him, but i think this is best..
he doesnt smoke any where near me or the kids.. he smokes outside as well. and he always brushes his teeth afterwards, so hes not a bad dad, just a dad who has smoked since he was 18 and hes now 37, so its a long time to be able to just quite.. isnt it
I'll lock this thread as requested, but I really dont think midna meant any offence.......everyones entitled to their opinions and smoking while pregnant is a highly emotive topic, so lets just leave it at that for now, :hug: to you both
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