Am I a bad Mummy...?


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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As the title says...

I was reading around today about babies/moses baskets/cots, being in your bedroom til 6 months etc etc etc.

Well, Layla has been in her moses basket up until NOW!!! As you can see from my ticker she has just turned 5 months. I was reading though that moses baskets are only to be used until 3 months??? I feel sooooooooo bad. I was shocked and really am quite upset about it if I am really honest.

We do not have space in our room for a cot... it was a tight squeeze with the moses basket + rocking stand... but she had been so comfortable in that I sort of saw it as no problem.

It was only talking with OH this afternoon that we realised she may have outgrown the basket more with her weight rather than length as such.

Anyway, tonight she is in her rather "massive" cotbed (in comparison). She went down ok surprisingly... took her a bit longer to fall asleep tonight but has now been sleeping solidly for 2 hours :-)

I'm going to struggle sleeping tonight without my baby girl by my bedside... :-( xx
Most people use the Moses baskets until the baby can't fit in it any more. Health actually recommend 6 months in the basket or until the baby can sit unaided xx
I always thought they were 6 months, not 3?!! If she was comfortable, I don't see the problem. I only moved zac cos he wriggles so much and kept pushing himself to the top and waking himself up. I wouldn't worry at all, and you will be fine in a few nights without her in your room xxx
Ella's still in her Moses basket... I just thought it was until they outgrew them? Don't have room for cot in our room so she'll be in her own room when she's outgrown it and don't want that to happen yet!
thanks girls... I was quite shocked when I read 3 months. Can't remember where I saw it now either - I read far too much stuff online lol. She had been tossing and turning a bit the night before last but personally, I think that may have been down to teething? or maybe a bad dream? But more often than not, she has been fine in there. Obviously she is a lot bigger now so I think she will enjoy the space of the cot now... just me that's got to get used to being without her. Somehow I get the feeling I may be staring at that monitor for a while tonight! xx
In terms of outgrowing it - I'd say Layla has a maximum 4 inches space above her head when in moses basket. She's filled out alot now so even width wise is a "bit tight". More "cosy" I should say really. Hope that makes sense? Think OH was worried about the weight of her now and the "bottom" of basket etc more than anything. It's no longer "straight" anymore if that makes sense?! xx
Herbie is massive for his age and stayed In till not that long ago lol
He just loved it I think he liked being all snug in it. We put it inside his cot in the end so it was safer but I only reply took him out in the end if cos we really HAD to
I think that's the thing though - they get so snug and then it's like, BAM, massive space! I'm just so proud of how Layla has coped in her new bed this evening. we are now nearly on 4 hours solid sleep :-) so it's looking promising :-) xx
ahh dont worry about it. ur not a bad mummy at all. i moved zak out his moses basket when he was about 3 months old into a swinging crib in our room. didnt want him to leave our room bt he had completely outgrown the moses basket. hes now outgrowing the crib so wont be long b4 hes in his cotbed in his own room either. not looking forward to it one bit ! xx
Your Not a bad mummy Tegan was in her moses basket till over 4 months i then moved her because she was to wriggly and would make the whole basket move! xx
thanks girls. I'm glad i'm not the only one that moved them out of it! xx

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