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am i a bad mum?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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this may be me just being silly but everytime i meet up with my mate (he's a boy and was stepdad to he's ex's kids) every little thing i do is wrong!!!! he seems to think he know's everythin :twisted:

like earlier i pick keeley up and was playin with her on my lap and she head butted me he goes...." oh i wouldn't let her do that she'll hurt herself"

or i was tryin to feed her but she didn't want the bottle so i put her dummy in her mouth as i was tryin to get her to go to sleep he starts acting as thou thats wrong to!

then he starts going on about how children from single parent familes grow up to be thugs and steal things!

i know i'm a single mum and in a ideal world i wouldn't be but i would rather be a single mum than be in a unhappy relationship :cry:

but now i feel like i'm the one doing everythin wrong and that i'm a bad mum which i know deep down i'm not (wel hopefully not)

am i just being stupid or is my mate out of order?
sorry its long :oops:
give him a slap hahahaha

of course your not doing anything wrong hunny we all have our own different ways of doing things

the best way to look at it is YOUR her mummy and you know best for her hunny xxxx

i hope this helps

p.s ur a great mummy look how perfect keeley is!!!
hunny your not a bad mum, friends shouldnt say that, you know whats best for ur bubba and she is happy so there i s no reason for you to worry, ur a great mummy xxx :hug:
ok sorry about this but he sounds like a real tw*t, or in fact an interfering know it all. wheres the support this friend should be showing you? as parents we can all pass on advice and "if i were you's" but telling you that children bought up by single parents are most likely to become thugs etc. ask him to prove it, show you statistis! children grow up to become thugs when the parents let them! when the children are dragged up rather than bought up, and you know what Nic, you love Keeley and devote yourself to her enough for both parents, dont let anyone bring you down, you are a great mum, look at what you've achieved and overcome all for the sake of your daughter, and dont you ever let anyone make you feel like a bad mum, you just have to look at that beautiful little lady to see she is not only well cared for but happy too!

answer to your question, no you most defineately are NOT a bad mum! :hug:
Thanks everybody :hug: :hug: :hug:

i texted him last night sayin to him if all he's gonna fo when he see's me and keeley is too look down badly at me and say nasty things then i'd rather not see him...
he hasn't texted back yet

i think i was just tired and emotional last night :oops: :oops: :oops:
i agree with Alfiesmummy hun you are certainly NOT a bad mum and it is defo not true about single parent children growing up to be thugs - what a load of crap!!!!!! my DF was such a good kid yet his brother who is nearly 18 is a right d*ck - he theives, treats people like crap and has been in prison yet their mum and dad are still together!!!! dont listen to him babe - you are a fantastic mum
good for you nic, glag you put him in his place coz that was out of order what he said, my bf mum is a single parent and he is a lovely person, yeah hes a man and a t*at sum times but he is no thug, he is so nice so it just goes to show how wrong he is hun, ur doing great xxx :hug: :hug:
He needs a slap, tell him to shut the hell up and mind his own business.
Aww hun dont be silly you are a great mum! You know your daughter better than anyone and you know best as her mummy and as for the comment about single parent children my parents split up and i lived with my mum then my dad and im not a thug (well i dont class myself as a thug) and i totally agree with what you said i would rather be with my daughter on our own then in an unhappy relastionship if me and stu ever split up its best for everyone the parent and the child :hug:
Yes he may have been a stepdad, but you've got Keeley on your own for 24/7 and it's a hard job

Your baby is happy, healthy and loved!! Just ignore him Sweetie. Connor head buts me all the time...it's a chance you take when you're having cuddles. They have no control over their big floppy heads!!!

I caught his head on the car seat the other day and there was a tiny tiny tiny little red mark and I felt terrible when I told the OH that evening!!

See - we're ALL EVIL mums now and then!!
ok hun if u dont slap him i will
single mum crap grrrr

ur a great mum hun any body can see that wen u post or post pics of keeley so ignore him :hug:

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