Alternating cycle lengths?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
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Does anybody else get alternating cycle lengths? Every other cycle I am 26days, and alternate ones I am 27days with the exception of my previous cycle which went to 28days and really raised my hopes! Does anybody else get this? This time it turn up at 26 days yet again.

Does anybody know why or what effects our cycle lengths?

I always used to be 27days exactly until having Ellie then they were quite varied when they returned when Ellie was 9 months but have since settled down to this alternating pattern.

Also this time I had 36hrs of spotting before AF turned up, which is completely unlike me but I know other people reguarly have spotting, does anybody know what causes spotting and what causes some people to not have it, if you know what I mean?

Sorry just wondering all these random things in the hope that some answers may help me better understand my body and my cycles in the hope of maybe managing to fall PG next month. Thanks for reading.
I used to have 31 day cycles exactly, but over the past few months they've varied from about 28 days to 40+ giving me false hope every time :doh:

I think alot of it is down to stress which can delay ovulation :(

It's annoying isn't it haha :lol:
I am glad I am not the only one. I have to say I am really glad I have you all to talk to about this stuff.
Mine vary too, from 27 days to 33 days. I have been keeping records for my appt at the fertility clinic in 2 weeks time and there seems no pattern. My luteal phase is a constant 13 days but I ov anywhere from day 14 to day 19 of cycle. Last month was 33 days and the month before 28 days so I am buggered if I know what it is! I was regular too before my dd was born.
Mine are all over the place ranging from 29-35 days.

I reckon...and this is my theory...that all this ttc stress is making them even more erratic!!! :lol:

Mine varied after having my first child. They varied from 26 - 42 days but my luteal phase was consistent on the shorter side of 12 days I think. The months before I got pregnant with my 2nd child, I had 3/4 days of spotting too which was unusual for me. I also had it the month I got pregnant but it was a different colour to the two previous months so I suspected I was pregnant. That cycle was 6 weeks long the month I got pregnant.

I went to the docs regarding the spotting and they weren't concerned about it and said it wouldn't affect my chances of conceiving. I was charting my temps at the time and noticed that my temp dropped at the same stage both months. I think it might have been an embryo trynig to implant unsuccessfully personally but who knows.

So long as you are ovulating it doesn't matter how long your cycle is, thank goodness for ovulation sticks!

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